Re: [NTG-context] Scite + non-global environbment variables

Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 19:24:37 +0200 From: Wolfgang Hugemann
To: mailing list for ConTeXt users Subject: Re: [NTG-context] Scite + non-global environbment variables Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed you should not have any global Context environment variables, because you call cscite.bat (setuptex.bat is called then before > > > scite is started). The problems I see are miktex executables which are in the PATH and can interfere with their context equivalents. How exactly are you starting scite?
Well, I just ran scite.exe. OK, I downloaded cscite.bat now. Is there somewhere any explanation with what parameters to call this batch? I could not find such a documentation and the batch is by far not self-explaning. (This is a really frustrating start with ConTeXt; I hope it doesn't stay like this.)
Look at the label ':help' in 'cscite.bat'. Wolfgang

Look at the label ':help' in 'cscite.bat'.
I had done this already. All that is says is echo usage: cscite root, e.g. cscite d:\copyofcdrom leaving you with the question which root of what is meant. I tested the root directory of context "C:\Programme\contextminimal" and the root directory of scite, i.e. "C:\Programme\wscite", neither of them worked. It seems like I need another hint. Woilfgang Hugemann

Wolfgang Hugemann wrote:
It seems like I need another hint.
I don't know if this counts as another hint - you may have used this one up already - but just in case it is: It is based on stuff done at the ConTeXt Meeting two months ago and thus fairly accurate at this time. Courtesy to Hans, of course! Mari just a Windows dummy
participants (3)
Mari Voipio
Wolfgang Hugemann
Wolfgang Werners-Lucchini