Footnote rule is not drawn in columnset layout

In my new 2-column columnset layout, the rule above the footnotes is not appearing. I found an old question in the list archive dealing with a similar problem ( but the relevant code has been changed since then. Is there a problem with my setup (excerpt) below? %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------%% \definecolumnset[body][n=2,distance=2em,balance=yes] % Use superior figures from the font for footnote marks, instead of \high: \defineconversion[supnumbers][\setff{sups}] % Just create space for the footnote number at the bottom of the column: \def\myfootnotecommand#1{\hbox to 1.5em{#1}} \setupnote[footnote] [location=page, numberconversion=supnumbers, numbercommand=, textcommand=, way=bytext, rule=on, align={hanging,hz}, command=\myfootnotecommand] \setupnotedefinition[footnote] [location=left] %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------%% Thanks, PPN -- Peter Park Nelson
participants (1)
Peter Park Nelson