\setlayer on \startalign row

I would like to make a "row" of a \startalign ... \stopalign "hidden". The following fails. \starttext \definelayer[hiddenlayer][state=stop] \startformula \startalign[n=3,align={right,middle,left}] \NC a \NC = \NC b \NR \setlayer[hiddenlayer]{\NC a + c \NC = \NC b + c \NR} \stopalign \stopformula \stoptext Troy Henderson

On Wed, 6 Feb 2013, Troy Henderson wrote:
Layers would not work for something like this. I usually use the attached macros for stepping: \environment steps \starttext \StartStepping 2 \startformula \startalign[n=3,align={right,middle,left}] \NC a \NC = \NC b \NR \STEP 2{\NC a + c \NC = \NC b + c \NR} \stopalign \stopformula \StopStepping \stoptext Aditya

Aditya, Thanks for your steps.tex. The following example does not work as expected. In particular, the first equation moves from page 1 to page 2, and the "12 x" moves from page 2 to page 3. Troy \StartStepping{10} \startformula \startalign[n=4,align={right,right,middle,left}] \STEP{1}{\NC \NC \frac{2}{3}x-\frac{3}{4} \NC = \NC \frac{1}{6}x+\frac{21}{4} \NR} \STEP{2}{\NC 12\times\NC \NC \NC \NR} \STEP{3}{\NC \NC \left(12\cdot\frac{2}{3}x\right) - \left(12\cdot\frac{3}{4}\right) \NC = \NC \left(12\cdot\frac{1}{6}x\right) + \left(12\cdot\frac{21}{4}\right) \NR} \STEP{4}{\NC \NC 8x - 9 \NC = \NC 2x + 63 \NR} \STEP{5}{\NC \NC 8x - 9 - 2x \NC = \NC 2x - 2x + 63 \NR} \STEP{6}{\NC \NC 6x - 9 \NC = \NC 63 \NR} \STEP{7}{\NC \NC 6x - 9 + 9 \NC = \NC 63 + 9 \NR} \STEP{8}{\NC \NC 6x \NC = \NC 72 \NR} \STEP{9}{\NC \NC \frac{6x}{6} \NC = \NC \frac{72}{6} \NR} \STEP{10}{\NC \NC x \NC = \NC 12} \stopalign \stopformula \StopStepping

On Wed, 6 Feb 2013, Troy Henderson wrote:
You need to ensure that the width of the columns does not change from each step. There is no easy way to do this with \startmathalign, but you can try \startTABLE, with explicit values of widths. (Some day, I will check how beamer does this with aligned equations). Aditya

On Wed, 6 Feb 2013, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
For display equations, the following will also work (but it is very tedius to type) \environment steps \long\def\gobblebox#1{\phantom{#1}} \long\def\displaybox#1{{#1}} \starttext \StartStepping{3} \startformula \startalign[n=4,align={right,right,middle,left}] \NC \NC \frac{2}{3}x-\frac{3}{4} \NC = \NC \frac{1}{6}x+\frac{21}{4} \NR \NC \HIDE 2{12\times } \NC \NC \NC \NR \NC \NC \HIDE 3 {\left(12\cdot\frac{2}{3}x\right) - \left(12\cdot\frac{3}{4}\right) } \NC \HIDE 3 {=} \NC \HIDE 3 {\left(12\cdot\frac{1}{6}x\right) + \left(12\cdot\frac{21}{4}\right)} \NR \stopalign \stopformula \StopStepping \stoptext Aditya

On Wed, 6 Feb 2013, Troy Henderson wrote:
Any idea how to put a \framed{ ... } around
\NC \NC x \NC = \NC 12
AFAIK, you can't. It's on my TODO list but requires a complete rewrite of math align macros. If you really need it: \startsetups table:math \setupTABLE[frame=off, toffset=0.2ex, boffset=0.2ex] \setupTABLE[column][odd][align=flushright] \setupTABLE[column][even][align=flushleft] \setupTABLE[first][2][leftframe=on] \setupTABLE[last][2][rightframe=on] \setupTABLE[first,last][2][topframe=on, bottomframe=on] \stopsetups \starttext \startTABLE[setups=table:math] \NC $\displaystyle \frac{2}{3}x-\frac{3}{4}$ \NC $\displaymath {}= \frac{1}{6}x+\frac{21}{4}$ \NC \NR \NC $\displaystyle \left(12\cdot\frac{2}{3}x\right) - \left(12\cdot\frac{3}{4}\right) $ \NC $\displaystyle{}= \left(12\cdot\frac{1}{6}x\right) + \left(12\cdot\frac{21}{4}\right)$ \NC \NR \stopTABLE \stoptext Aditya
participants (2)
Aditya Mahajan
Troy Henderson