Dear all, I'd like to draw boxes with a label in a certain rule. I define drawbox macro for it. It receives 3 numbers, (the height of box, x position, y position). I'd like to label the height of the box in the middle of the box. I tired label( h ,(3s*u+u, t*u + h*u/2)); %h is a received numeral. But it is not working. If I change h to "letter" in label command, it is working. So, I'd like to know how to put received numeral(the height of the box) as a label. Or, how to change the value of a variable to a string. Here is a working sample code. \startuseMPgraphic{sample} numeric u; u := 0.5cm; def drawbox (expr h, s, t) = %numeric h,s,t; draw unitsquare xyscaled (1cm, h*u) shifted (3*s*u, t*u); label("1",(3s*u+u, t*u + h*u/2)); enddef; drawbox (3, 0, 0); drawbox (6, 0, 3); drawbox (2, 1, 0); drawbox (1, 1, 2); drawbox (3, 2, 0) drawbox (4, 2, 3) \stopuseMPgraphic \starttext \placefigure[here][]{sample} {\useMPgraphic{sample}} \stoptext Thank you. Dalyoung

Am 14.07.10 02:19, schrieb dalyoung:
Dear all,
I'd like to draw boxes with a label in a certain rule. [...]
So, I'd like to know how to put received numeral(the height of the box) as a label. Or, how to change the value of a variable to a string.
label("1",(3s*u+u, t*u + h*u/2));
label(decimal h,(3s*u+u, t*u + h*u/2)); or label(textext(decimal h),(3s*u+u, t*u + h*u/2)); Wolfgang
participants (2)
Wolfgang Schuster