With setupindenting I can define the level of indenting. But I want a different level of indentation for different paragraphs. How can I do this? -- Cecil Westerhof

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 10:28 PM, Cecil Westerhof
With setupindenting I can define the level of indenting. But I want a different level of indentation for different paragraphs. How can I do this?
You can define a environment for special sections and set a different indent parameter inside of this section. I need more information to give you a better answer. Wolfgang

2009/1/21 Wolfgang Schuster
On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 10:28 PM, Cecil Westerhof
wrote: With setupindenting I can define the level of indenting. But I want a different level of indentation for different paragraphs. How can I do this?
You can define a environment for special sections and set a different indent parameter inside of this section. I need more information to give you a better answer.
In my template I have: \long\def\letterbody#1{\blank[line]\setupindenting[yes, medium]#1} \setupindenting[yes, none] \long\def\letterclosing#1#2{ \blank[line]#1 \blank[3*line]#2 } In the document itself I have: \letterbody{ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec auctor, purus faucibus iaculis rutrum, sapien nisl venenatis arcu, eu condimentum elit enim eget magna. Nullam risus tortor, ultricies a, lacinia ac, dictum at, massa. Integer risus. Cras ipsum risus, ultrices eget, aliquet id, egestas nec, dui. Cras et quam. Mauris sit amet leo. Duis ac nibh. Aliquam vitae est. Praesent justo. Morbi faucibus. Praesent laoreet erat eu mauris. \blank[line] Suspendisse fringilla tincidunt sapien. Aliquam rhoncus venenatis urna. Sed tellus. Mauris at sapien. Donec commodo arcu non felis. Praesent aliquam pellentesque libero. Donec vestibulum mauris. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque ultrices ornare elit. Ut nibh lacus, laoreet a, tempor eu, condimentum at, tortor. Nunc pretium. Morbi pede purus, vestibulum at, mattis ac, volutpat eget, arcu. Nunc congue, pede id euismod porttitor, eros orci cursus nibh, sit amet fringilla sem eros nec libero. Pellentesque tempor. Phasellus malesuada, sapien id tristique blandit, est ante fringilla neque, et feugiat nunc ipsum nec augue. Nullam id ante sit amet pede feugiat laoreet. Sed porttitor vulputate leo. Nulla tincidunt. Phasellus sagittis, justo a feugiat tristique, ante felis imperdiet mauris, vitae dapibus metus quam ac risus. Donec lacinia congue neque. Mauris in quam at leo dignissim hendrerit. Cras interdum dolor ut lacus. Mauris a justo. Aenean vel nulla. Ut non felis varius ante convallis pulvinar. Duis viverra. Mauris gravida, mauris tincidunt accumsan semper, ligula ipsum elementum dolor, id scelerisque sapien lorem vitae orci. Suspendisse potenti. Nam luctus tempus orci. In iaculis. Aliquam varius. Proin suscipit, tortor vel consequat fringilla, augue dolor consectetur dui, vitae aliquet dolor eros sed risus. } \setupindenting[yes, none] % necessary, because of problem with the template \letterclosing{Hoogachtend,}{Cecil Westerhof} \stoptext When the setupindenting is not there, the letterclosing is indented. -- Cecil Westerhof

On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 2:47 PM, Cecil Westerhof
2009/1/21 Wolfgang Schuster
: On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 10:28 PM, Cecil Westerhof
wrote: With setupindenting I can define the level of indenting. But I want a different level of indentation for different paragraphs. How can I do this?
You can define a environment for special sections and set a different indent parameter inside of this section. I need more information to give you a better answer.
In my template I have: \long\def\letterbody#1{\blank[line]\setupindenting[yes, medium]#1}
\long\def\letterbody#1% {{\blank[line]\setupindenting[yes,medium]#1\par}} You could also write this as environment with \definestartstop [letterbody] [before={\blank[line]}, commands={\setupindenting[yes,medium]}] and write in your document \startletterbody letter content \stopletterbody Wolfgang

2009/1/21 Wolfgang Schuster
In my template I have: \long\def\letterbody#1{\blank[line]\setupindenting[yes, medium]#1}
\long\def\letterbody#1% {{\blank[line]\setupindenting[yes,medium]#1\par}}
That works. Thanks. So when you do not want a side effect you need to use double accolades? Why did you put the \par in? -- Cecil Westerhof

On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Cecil Westerhof
2009/1/21 Wolfgang Schuster
: In my template I have: \long\def\letterbody#1{\blank[line]\setupindenting[yes, medium]#1}
\long\def\letterbody#1% {{\blank[line]\setupindenting[yes,medium]#1\par}}
That works. Thanks. So when you do not want a side effect you need to use double accolades?
To keep the value for \setupindenting local to \letterbody.
Why did you put the \par in?
To end the paragraph before after the lettertext. Wolfgang

2009/1/21 Wolfgang Schuster
So when you do not want a side effect you need to use double accolades?
To keep the value for \setupindenting local to \letterbody.
That was what I mend in a general sense: if you do not want side effects, you need double accolades. But I am not always very clear.
Why did you put the \par in?
To end the paragraph before after the lettertext.
I do not see a difference between with the \par and without it. But to be sure, I put it in. -- Cecil Westerhof
participants (2)
Cecil Westerhof
Wolfgang Schuster