Hi, Does anyone know about a way to "reset" the state in a combined list. Let me illustrate with an example: \setuplist[chapter][alternative=f,margin=0cm,distance=0cm,before=,after=] \setuplist[section][alternative=b,style=bold,width=5mm,margin=0mm,distance=0mm] \setuplist[subsection][alternative=c,style=normal,margin=5mm,width=7mm,distance=2mm] \chapter{A} % not indented in toc \section{1} \subsection{a} \section{2} \chapter{B} % indented as a section in toc \section{1} \subsection{a} \chapter{C} % indented as a subsection Thanks, Olivier

Answering to myself. Seems like the alternative f is more sensitive than the command one~: \def\MyCommand#1#2#3{\framed[width=\hsize]{use#1#2#3aswanted}} \setuplist[chapter][alternative=command,command=\MyCommand] is enough to get rid of the indentation issue. Olivier
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