Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt MKIV - vertical titles in bibliography
hi! sorry if i wasn't clear enough with what i intended to put across. in the bibliography entry below, the title of the book is not italicized. by default, the apa style will italicize this instead. i tried modifying the bibl-apa.tex to contain the following but to no avail. \unprotect \setupcite [author,year] [\c!andtext={ and }, \c!otherstext={ et al.}, \c!pubsep={, }, \c!lastpubsep={ and }, \c!compress=\v!no, \c!inbetween={ }, \c!left={(}, \c!right={)}] \setupcite [authoryear] [\c!andtext={ and }, \c!otherstext={ et al.}, \c!pubsep={, }, \c!lastpubsep={ and }, \c!compress=\v!yes, \c!inbetween={ }, \c!left={(}, \c!right={)}] \setupcite [authoryears] [\c!andtext={ and }, \c!otherstext={ et al.}, \c!pubsep={, }, \c!lastpubsep={ and }, \c!compress=\v!yes, \c!inbetween={, }, \c!left={(}, \c!right={)}] \setupcite [key,serial,authornum,page,short,type,doi,url] [\c!andtext={ and }, \c!otherstext={ et al.}, \c!pubsep={, }, \c!lastpubsep={ and }, \c!compress=\v!no, \c!inbetween={ }, \c!left={[}, \c!right={]}] \setupcite [num] [\c!andtext={ and }, \c!otherstext={ et al.}, \c!pubsep={, }, \c!lastpubsep={ and }, \c!compress=\v!yes, \c!inbetween={--}, \c!left={[}, \c!right={]}] \setuppublications[% \c!sorttype=bbl, \c!criterium=cite, \c!refcommand=authoryears, \c!numbering=\v!no, \c!autohang=\v!no] \setuppublicationlist [\c!width=24pt, \c!artauthor=\invertedshortauthor, \c!editor=\invertedshortauthor, \c!author=\invertedshortauthor, \c!namesep={, }, \c!lastnamesep={ and }, \c!finalnamesep={ and }, \c!firstnamesep={, }, \c!juniorsep={ }, \c!vonsep={ }, \c!surnamesep={, }, \c!authoretallimit=6, \c!editoretallimit=6, \c!artauthoretallimit=6, \c!authoretaldisplay=6, \c!editoretaldisplay=6, \c!artauthoretaldisplay=6, \c!authoretaltext={ et al.}, \c!editoretaltext={ et al.}, \c!artauthoretaltext={ et al.}, ] \def\maybeyear#1{#1} \def\etalchar#1{#1} %D \macros{insertchapter,insertpublisher} %D Some shortcuts. % ((#1(type\ |)chapter#2)|#3) \def\insertchap#1#2#3% {\insertchapter {#1\insertbibtype{}{\ }{chapter\ }}{#2}% {#3}} % #1city, country: pubname#2 % #1country: pubname#2 % #1pubname#2 % #1city, country#2 % #3 \def\insertpublisher#1#2#3% {\insertpubname {\insertcity {#1} {\insertcountry{, }{}{}: }% {#1\insertcountry{}{: }{}}}% {#2}% {\insertcity {#1} {\insertcountry{, }{}{#2}}% {\insertcountry{#1}{#2}{#3}}}% } \def\insertorg#1#2#3% {\insertorganization {\insertcity {#1} {\insertcountry{, }{}{#2}: }% {\insertcountry{}{: }{#2}}}% {}% {\insertcity {#1} {\insertcountry{, }{}{#2}}% {\insertcountry{}{#2}{#3}}}% } \setuppublicationlayout[article]{% \insertartauthors{}{ }{\insertthekey{}{ }{}}% \insertpubyear{(}{). }{\unskip.}% \insertarttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup. }{}% \insertjournal{\bgroup }{\egroup} {\insertcrossref{In }{}{}}% \insertvolume {\bgroup , } {\egroup\insertissue{\/(}{)}{}\insertpages{, }{.}{.}} {\insertpages{, pp. }{.}{.}}% \insertnote{ }{.}{}% \insertcomment{}{.}{}% } \newif\ifeditedbook \setuppublicationlayout[book]{% \insertauthors{}{ }{\inserteditors{}{, editor% \ifnum\getvalue{editor@num}> 1 s\fi \ \global\editedbooktrue }{\insertthekey{}{. }{}}}% \insertpubyear{(}{). }{\unskip.}% \inserttitle {\bgroup }% {\/\egroup \ifeditedbook \global\editedbookfalse \insertvolume { Number~}% {\insertseries { in~\bgroup}% {\egroup. }% {\insertcrossref{ in~}{}{. }}}% {\insertseries{ }{.}{.}}% \else \insertcrossref {\insertchap{, }{}{}% \insertpages{, pages }{. }{. }% \insertvolume{Volume~}{ of~}{}% }% {}% {\insertvolume {, volume~}% {\insertseries { of~\bgroup}% {\egroup} {}} {}% \insertchap{, }{}{}% \insertpages{, pages }{.}{.}% }% \fi}% {}% \insertedition{ }{ edition}{}% \insertpublisher{ }{.}{.}% \insertpages{ }{p. }{ }% \insertnote{}{.}{}% } \setuppublicationlayout[inbook]{% \insertauthors{}{ }{\inserteditors{}{, editor% \ifnum\getvalue{editor@num}> 1 s\fi \ \global\editedbooktrue }{\insertthekey{}{. }{}}}% \insertpubyear{(}{). }{\unskip.}% \inserttitle {\bgroup }% {\/\egroup \ifeditedbook \global\editedbookfalse \insertvolume { number~}% {\insertseries { in~\bgroup}% {\egroup. }% {\insertcrossref{ in~}{}{.}}}% {\insertseries{ }{.}{}}% \else \insertcrossref {\insertchap{, }{}{}% \insertpages{, pages }{. }{. }% \insertvolume{Volume~}{ of~}{}% }% {}% {\insertvolume {, volume~}% {\insertseries { of~\bgroup}% {\egroup} {}} {}% \insertchap{, }{}{}% \insertpages{, pages }{.}{}% }% \fi}% { }% \insertedition{ }{ edition.}{}% \insertpublisher{ }{.}{.}% \insertnote{ }{.}{}% } \setuppublicationlayout[booklet]{% \insertauthors{}{ }{\insertthekey{}{. }{}}% \insertpubyear{(}{). }{}% \inserttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup \insertseries{ (}{)}{}. }{}% \insertedition{ }{ edition.}{}% \insertpublisher{ }{.}{.}% \insertpages{}{p. }{}% \insertnote{ }{.}{}% } \setuppublicationlayout[manual]{% \insertauthors{}{ }{\insertthekey{}{. }{}}% \insertpubyear{(}{). }{}% \inserttitle{\bgroup }{\/\egroup \insertseries{ (}{)}{}. }{}% \insertedition{ }{ edition.}{}% \insertorg{ }{.}{.}% \insertpages{}{p. }{}% \insertnote{ }{.}{}% } \setuppublicationlayout[incollection]{% \insertartauthors{}{ }{\insertthekey{}{. }{}}% \insertpubyear{(}{). }{}% \insertarttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup. }{}% \inserttitle {In \inserteditors{}% {, editor\ifnum\getvalue{editor@num}> 1 s\fi, }% {}% \bgroup}% {\egroup \insertseries {\insertvolume{, number }{~in }{ }}% {}% {}% \insertchap{\unskip, }{ }{ }% \insertpages{\unskip, pages~}{. }{\unskip. }% \insertedition{ }{ edition}{}% \insertpublisher{ }{.}{.}% }% {In \insertcrossref{}{}{}% \insertchap{\unskip, }{ }{ }% \insertpages{\unskip, pages~}{. }{\unskip. }% }% \insertnote{ }{.}{}% } \setuppublicationlayout[inproceedings]{% \insertauthors{}{ }{}% \insertpubyear{(}{). }{}% \insertarttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup. }{}%% \inserttitle {In \inserteditors{}% {, editor\ifnum\getvalue{editor@num}> 1 s\fi, }% {}% \bgroup}% {\egroup \insertseries {\insertvolume{, number }{~in }{ }}% {}% {}% \insertchap{\unskip, }{ }{ }% \insertpages{, pages~}{}{}% \insertorg{. }{.}{.}% }% {In \insertcrossref{}{}{}% \insertchap{\unskip, }{ }{ }% \insertpages{\unskip, pages~}{. }{\unskip. }% }% \insertnote{ }{.}{}% } \setuppublicationlayout[proceedings]{% \inserteditors{}{, editor% \ifnum\getvalue{editor@num}> 1 s\fi \ \global\editedbooktrue }{\insertthekey{}{ }{}}% \insertpubyear{(}{). }{}% \inserttitle {\bgroup}% {\egroup \insertseries {\insertvolume{, number }{~in }{ }}% {}% {}% \insertchap{\unskip, }{ }{ }% \insertpages{, pages~}{}{}% \insertorg{. }{.}{.}% }% {}% \insertnote{ }{.}{}% } \setuppublicationlayout[mastersthesis]{% \insertauthors{}{ }{}% \insertpubyear{(}{). }{}% \inserttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup \insertseries{ (}{)}{}. }{}% \insertbibtype{}{, }{Master's thesis, }% \insertpublisher{ }{.}{.}% \insertpages{ }{p. }{}% \insertnote{ }{.}{}% } \setuppublicationlayout[phdthesis]{% \insertauthors{}{ }{}% \insertpubyear{(}{). }{}% \inserttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup \insertseries{ (}{)}{}. }{}% \insertbibtype{}{, }{PhD thesis,}% \insertpublisher{ }{.}{.}% \insertpages{ }{ p. }{}% \insertnote{ }{.}{}% } \setuppublicationlayout[misc]{% \insertauthors{}{ }{\insertthekey{}{. }{}}% \insertpubyear{(}{). }{}% \inserttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup \insertseries{ (}{)}. }{}% \insertpublisher{ }{.}{.}% \insertpages{ }{p. }{}% \insertnote{ }{.}{}% } \setuppublicationlayout[techreport]{% \insertauthors{}{ }{}% \insertpubyear{(}{). }{}% \inserttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup \insertseries{ (}{)}{}. }{}% \insertbibtype{}{\insertvolume{ }{, }{, }}{Technical Report}% \insertpublisher{ }{.}{.}% \insertpages{ }{p. }{}% \insertnote{ }{.}{}% } \setuppublicationlayout[unpublished]{% \insertauthors{}{ }{}% \insertpubyear{(}{). }{}% \inserttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup \insertseries{ (}{)}{}. }{}% % \insertpublisher{ }{.}{.}% \insertpages{ }{p. }{}% \insertbibtype{(}{)}{}% \insertnote{ }{.}{}% } \protect how you can help me with this. :-) thanks so much. joel mendoza
dr. joel mendoza y carpio wrote:
sorry if i wasn't clear enough with what i intended to put across.
in the bibliography entry below, the title of the book is not italicized.
by default, the apa style will italicize this instead.
Form the many \/ commands in the second arguments to the \inserttitle commands, it looks like italics was in earlier, which makes me wonder why it was then removed again. As a result, I am not immediately eager to change the core distro. For you: find the \inserttitle (or \insertarttitle) commands in bibl-apa, and change the occurrences of \inserttitle {\bgroup} into \inserttitle {\bgroup \it} Best wishes, Taco
participants (2)
dr. joel mendoza y carpio
Taco Hoekwater