Hi folks, I'm making a document with a lot of tables. I have templates for all the kinds of tables, so authors only have to use the predefined macros to fill the tables. That is working pretty well, but I still have two little problems. The first one, is that some of the author filled fields in the tables should be part of the content table of the document, but in the filled table itself, they should still look as normal text. To do so, I have defined my own section, this way: \definehead[fieldNameSection][subsection] \setuphead[fieldNameSection][number=no, textstyle=\tfe] And made a table of contents: \definecombinedlist[content][fieldNameSection,myheader,subsection,subsubsection][textstyle=\tf] \setupcombinedlist [content][alternative=c,textstyle=\tf] So if I do: \fieldNameSection{Some Title} And then: \placecontent It works well and shows the entry in the table of contents. But when I do it inside the table macro definition, and then use the macro: \def\bCrudCampo{ \doifnothing{\getvariable{CrudCampo}{CrudCampo}} {\section{DescripciĆ³n de Campos}} \setvariables[CrudCampo][CrudCampo=FLG] \bgroup \def\bNombreCampoGUI##1\eNombreCampoGUI{ \setvariables[CrudCampo][NombreCampoGUIVAL={##1}] \setvariables[CrudCampo][NombreCampoGUIFLG=FLG] } } \def\eCrudCampo{ \def\keyNombreCampoGUI{Nombre del Campo (GUI):} \setupTABLE[c][1][width=0.2\textwidth] \setupTABLE[c][2][width=0.8\textwidth] \bTABLE[frame=on] \bTR \bTD {\bf \keyNombreCampoGUI} \eTD \bTD % COMENTED ----------------------------------------------> % \doifelsenothing{\getvariable{CrudCampo}{NombreCampoGUIFLG}} % {\EMPTY}{\getvariable{CrudCampo}{NombreCampoGUIVAL}} % COMENTED ----------------------------------------------> \fieldNameSection{*\getvalue{CrudCampo:NombreCampoGUIVAL}*} \eTD \eTR \eTABLE \vskip2mm \egroup } So when I use the \fieldNameSection{*\getvalue{CrudCampo:NombreCampoGUIVAL}*} in the previous code I get nothing but an empty entry in the table of contents (well in fact with the "*" before and after I get just "**"). The entry is shown in the TOC, but I don't see the text, only the dots and the page number. It's like at some point the variable is empty at the moment of generating the table of contents or something like that. I really have not a clue about what I'm doing wrong... The second issue is that the previous commented code: \doifelsenothing{\getvariable{CrudCampo}{NombreCampoGUIFLG}} {\EMPTY}{\getvariable{CrudCampo}{NombreCampoGUIVAL}} Is the best way I've found so far to show an "EMPTY" in one of the table fields when the author forgets to fill a row when using the template. I've tried a lot of combinations of \setvariable, \setvalue, and several \doifSOMETHING, but at this point it only works if the author omits the \bNombreCampoGUI \eNombreCampoGUI pair, but if he puts the commands, but left the content empty, then I don't get "EMPTY" as result in the table and only got an empty string (nothing) and I would like to have the "EMPTY" in both cases. Also I don't like to use the variable NombreCampoGUIFLG, I think it's just a dirty trick, but is the only solution I found so far. Is there a better way to do the empty test there to achieve the desired behavior? Thanks in advance, for any opinion, suggestion, critics or help :-) Best Regards, DemiĆ”n.

Demian Gutierrez wrote:
So when I use the
in the previous code I get nothing but an empty entry in the table of contents (well in fact with the "*" before and after I get just "**").
Try \expanded{\fieldNameSection{*\getvalue{CrudCampo:NombreCampoGUIVAL}*}}
The second issue is that the previous commented code:
\doifelsenothing{\getvariable{CrudCampo}{NombreCampoGUIFLG}} {\EMPTY}{\getvariable{CrudCampo}{NombreCampoGUIVAL}}
The bib module had a similar problem, that is why I have: \unprotect \long\def\bibdoifelse#1% {\@EA\def\@EA\!!stringa\@EA{#1}% \ifx\!!stringa\empty \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments \else \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments \fi} \protect Best wishes, Taco

On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 10:18 AM, Taco Hoekwater
Demian Gutierrez wrote:
So when I use the
in the previous code I get nothing but an empty entry in the table of contents (well in fact with the "*" before and after I get just "**").
\getvariable and not \getvalue \expanded{\fieldNameSection{*\getvariable{CrudCampo}{NombreCampoGUIVAL}*}}
The second issue is that the previous commented code:
\doifelsenothing{\getvariable{CrudCampo}{NombreCampoGUIFLG}} {\EMPTY}{\getvariable{CrudCampo}{NombreCampoGUIVAL}}
The bib module had a similar problem, that is why I have:
\unprotect \long\def\bibdoifelse#1% {\@EA\def\@EA\!!stringa\@EA{#1}% \ifx\!!stringa\empty \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments \else \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments \fi} \protect
I would try to use \doiftextelse first. Wolfgang
participants (3)
Demian Gutierrez
Taco Hoekwater
Wolfgang Schuster