sync text streams in facing pages

Dear list, adapting a the sample from mkxl/page-str.mkxl (and code from the list), I came with the following sample: \setuppapersize[A6] \showgrid %\setuplayout[grid=yes] \starttext \input tufte \startoutputstream[es] \dorecurse{25} {\startlanguage[es]\input cervantes-es\stoplanguage% \par\pushoutputstream} \enableoutputstream[en] \dorecurse{25} {\input zapf\par\pushoutputstream} \disableoutputstream \stopoutputstream \synchronizestreams[es,en] \page \flushoutputstream[es] \page \flushoutputstream[en] \stoptext To reorder pages, I rename the output to "wg.pdf" and run the following code: \setuppapersize[A6] \setuplayout[page] \starttext \dorecurse{26} {\ifnum\recurselevel = 1 \externalfigure[wg.pdf][page=\recurselevel]\else \externalfigure[wg.pdf][page=\recurselevel] \externalfigure[wg.pdf][page={\the\numexpr \recurselevel + 25}]\fi} \stoptext I’m afraid that the paragraph mistmatch is clear (the number of pages is way different for each versions). Using the grid, the mismatch is not so evident (but there is still a different number of pages for each version). Page reordering would be in this case: \setuppapersize[A6] \setuplayout[page] \starttext \dorecurse{20} {\ifnum\recurselevel = 1 \externalfigure[wg.pdf][page=\recurselevel]\else \externalfigure[wg.pdf][page=\recurselevel] \externalfigure[wg.pdf][page={\the\numexpr \recurselevel + 19}]\fi} \stoptext I would need that for a bilingual edition. I don’t mind reodering the pages (if there is no other option). But what am I doing wrong not to get synced text streams for facing pages? Many thanks for your help, Pablo

Dear all, I’d like to write a long chapter title in two lines if it is longer than the textwidth. It is OK when I use just bigger fonts. But it writes the long title in one line if I use outlined font for title as in MWE. Is there a way to write it in two lines using the outlined font? Thanks, Best regards, Dalyoung \startuseMPgraphic{outlineT} draw outlinetext.b (\MPvar{tt}) (withcolor .75white) (withcolor .725blue withpen pencircle scaled .75pt);%\MPvar{thick}); \stopuseMPgraphic \definefont[BigFontOne][NotoSansCJKkr-Bold sa 4] \define[1]\outlineTitle{\useMPgraphic{outlineT}{tt="#1"}} \setuphead[chapter] [textcommand=\outlineTitle, style=\BigFontOne, numbercommand=\outlineTitle, % align = middle, number=yes] \setupexternalfigures[location={default,local,global}] %\definefont[fancy][Zapfino at 24pt] \starttext \startchapter[title={Very Long Long Long Title}] \startcombination[3*1] {\externalfigure[cow] [combination]}{cow} {\externalfigure[mill] [combination]}{mill} {\externalfigure[hacker][combination]}{hacker} \stopcombination \stopchapter \stoptext
participants (2)
Jeong Dal
Pablo Rodriguez