Re: [NTG-context] ntg-context Digest, Vol 103, Issue 37

Thank you, Sietse, That works a treat. And thank you for your idea of looking at the source code. I should do that more often to ease myself into understanding TeX a bit better. At the moment I still look at myself as a "user". Regards, Malte. On 14/01/2013, at 7:00 PM, wrote:
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2013 22:44:59 +0100 From: Sietse Brouwer
To: mailing list for ConTeXt users Subject: Re: [NTG-context] Controlling Appearance of \inoutermargin Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Hi Malte,
This mail contains (1) an answer to your question; (2) a minimal working example; (3) an explanation of how I found this out (I had never heard of inoutermargin before).
(1) An answer to your question.
I grepped the ConTeXt source code for `inoutermargin`, and found out it is an instance of the `margindata` class. This is its setup command:
(2) A minimal working example. It is nice to include an MWE when you ask a question -- it makes things easier for people who want to try to answer the question, because they don't have to think up their own example. Anyway, I'm including this one for the benefit of people who stumble across this e-mail from the future, and want to play with \inoutermargin. :-)
\setuppapersize[A8,landscape] % w x h is about 7.5x5 \setuplayout[ backspace=1cm, width=3cm, % leftmargin=0.5cm, leftmargindistance=2mm, % rightmargin=2cm, rightmargindistance=2mm]
\setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \showframe
\startbuffer asdf asdf asdf \inoutermargin{bsdf} \page[yes] \stopbuffer
\setupmargindata [inoutermargin] [style=bold,color=red]
\starttext \getbuffer \getbuffer \getbuffer \stoptext
(3) How I found the answer
Whenever I want to learn about a command I don't know yet, I grep for it in the source code. (I ignore bits like 'setup' or 'start'.) I've even got a shell command for it, to make searching the source as easy as possible:
function grepcon { cd /opt/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/ grep -R $* * }
`grepcon inoutermargin` gave me two hits in mkii files, and one in typo-mar.mkiv: \definemargindata[inoutermargin][\v!outer][...various style setups...]. That set me on the right track. If you frequently need to work out how commands work, I cannot recommend enough that you make your own source-searching function and use it enough. For me, at least, it's enormously helpful.
Cheers, Sietse
participants (1)
Malte Stien