Indentation after formula

Looks like a bug: If there is no text immediately following a formula, the following paragraph is not treated as such, but as the text following it. \setupbodyfont[xits,10pt] \setupmathematics[integral=nolimits, lcgreek=normal, default=normal] \setupindenting[yes,medium,next] \starttext Formula without following text \startformula e^{i𝛼} = \cos 𝛼 + i\sin 𝛼 \stopformula New paragraph, but not indented. Formula with following text \startformula e^{i𝛼} = \cos 𝛼 + i\sin 𝛼 \stopformula ends here. New paragraph; indented. \stoptext

Hans Åberg 14. September 2016 um 15:20 Looks like a bug:
If there is no text immediately following a formula, the following paragraph is not treated as such, but as the text following it. \setupformula[indentnext=auto]

On 14 Sep 2016, at 15:24, Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: Hans Åberg 14. September 2016 um 15:20 Looks like a bug:
If there is no text immediately following a formula, the following paragraph is not treated as such, but as the text following it. \setupformula[indentnext=auto]
OK. Thanks. There is both \setupformulas and \setupformula. Are they the same?

Hans Åberg 14. September 2016 um 15:39
OK. Thanks.
There is both \setupformulas and \setupformula. Are they the same? Yes.
participants (2)
Hans Åberg
Wolfgang Schuster