Hello again! JM's proposal of FAQ format is only for one FAQ entry. The following one may contain the whole thing: several "recipes" (FAQ entries), each in more than one language. I tried to convert it with ConTeXt, but it doesn't like attributes (I will make a minimal failing example later). <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?> <!DOCTYPE context_cookbook SYSTEM "context_cookbook.dtd"> <cookbook date="2002-10-28" label="jum-000"> <recipe id="test" section="first" subsection="subfirst"> <version xml:lang="de" original="yes"> <question> Wie kann ich dies und jenes erreichen? </question> <keyword sort-as="tech">&TeX;</keyword> <keyword>Test</keyword> <answer> <p>So vielleicht. <code type="tex">blabla</code></p> <p>Oder so. <code type="shell">cat > test.txt</code></p> <p>Oder anders.</p> </answer> <author id="hraban" date="2002-10-20" /> <editor id="nobody" date="2003-10-11" /> </version> <version xml:lang="en" original="no"> <question> How can I achieve that or this? </question> <keyword sort-as="tech">&TeX;</keyword> <keyword>test</keyword> <answer> <p>Perhaps this way. <code type="xml"> <macro>clip</macro> <sqbracket>nx=3,ny=2,x=2,y=1</sqbracket> <braces> <macro>externalfigure</macro> <sqbracket>yourfigure</sqbracket> </braces> </code></p> <p>Or maybe that way.</p> <p>Or somehow else.</p> </answer> <author id="john" date="2002-10-20" /> <editor id="hraban" date="2002-10-21" /> </version> </recipe> </cookbook> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- context_cookbook.dtd: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?> <!ENTITY % sortas "sort-as CDATA #IMPLIED"> <!ENTITY % date "date CDATA #REQUIRED"> <!ENTITY % person "id IDREF #REQUIRED %date;"> <!ELEMENT cookbook (recipe+)> <!ATTLIST cookbook %date;> <!ATTLIST cookbook label CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT recipe (version+)> <!ATTLIST recipe id ID #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST recipe section IDREF #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST recipe subsection IDREF "none"> <!ATTLIST recipe subsubsection IDREF "none"> <!ELEMENT version (question, keyword*, answer, author, editor*)> <!ATTLIST version xml:lang IDREF "en"> <!ATTLIST version original (yes|no) "yes"> <!ELEMENT question ANY> <!ELEMENT keyword ANY> <!ATTLIST keyword %sortas;> <!ELEMENT answer ANY> <!ELEMENT author EMPTY> <!ATTLIST author %person;> <!ELEMENT editor EMPTY> <!ATTLIST editor %person;> <!ELEMENT code (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST code type (tex|shell|dos|xml) "tex"> <!ELEMENT index (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST index %sortas;> <!ELEMENT emph (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT p ANY> <!ENTITY TeX "tech"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grüßlis vom Hraban! -- http://www.fiee.net http://www.ramm.ch ---
participants (1)
Henning Hraban Ramm