Hi all, For a few months now, all features of tikz have not been working with LMTX. After help from Hans and a bit of trial and error, I think that figured out what was going wrong with the catcodes in m-tikz: Since the texcatcodes are different from what tikz expects, the catcodes have to be set inside \starttikzpicture (in addition to before the loading of tikz files, which was already being done). I am attaching the working m-tikz.mkxl file. I have tested this on my course notes, which make extensive use of simple tikz block diagrams and pgfplots graphs. Perhaps others who were having issues with tikz could test if this fixes everything and, if so, we can add this to the distribution. Aditya

On Fri, 28 Apr 2023, Aditya Mahajan via ntg-context wrote:
Hi all,
For a few months now, all features of tikz have not been working with LMTX. After help from Hans and a bit of trial and error, I think that figured out what was going wrong with the catcodes in m-tikz: Since the texcatcodes are different from what tikz expects, the catcodes have to be set inside \starttikzpicture (in addition to before the loading of tikz files, which was already being done).
I am attaching the working m-tikz.mkxl file.
I have tested this on my course notes, which make extensive use of simple tikz block diagrams and pgfplots graphs. Perhaps others who were having issues with tikz could test if this fixes everything and, if so, we can add this to the distribution.
Circuitikz still doesn't work. Even loading the module fails. Not sure why this is happening: \usemodule[circuitikz] gives: tex error > tex error on line 77 in file /opt/luametatex/texmf-context/tex/context/modules/mkxl/m-circuitikz.mkxl: Package pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/tikz/resistor', to which you passed 'american', and I am going to ignore it. Perhaps you misspelled it <macro> \pgfkeys@error which is a bit strange as the key should have been '/tikz/circuitikz/resistor' rather than 'tikz/resistor'. Aditya

Am Fri, 28 Apr 2023 01:01:23 -0400 (EDT) schrieb Aditya Mahajan via ntg-context:
Circuitikz still doesn't work. Even loading the module fails.
It works for me on texlive 2023 with your new module file. -- Ulrike Fischer http://www.troubleshooting-tex.de/

Hi fellow Tik-Z users, Tik-Z, including circuitikz, is working for me after adding two files from Hans to a slightly older version of ConTeXt (ver: 2023.02.07 19:06 LMTX fmt: 2023.3.14). I do not know if these files are of any use with the current versions, but I am quoting a list email from January (including the files) just in case it helps anyone with the present problems. Gavin
Hi Hans, Fabrice, and List,
Now it is working for me. I had installed the new upload. I also needed to put the two new files from Hans’ earlier email (m-tikz-pgfplots.tex and m-tikz-pgfplotstable.tex) in the right spot (tex/texmf-context/tex/context/modules/mkxl) and run "mtxrun --generate”. I’m not sure if I was also supposed to put the third file from the earlier email in this spot also, but I didn’t, and it works.
I am still getting some new errors in specific files, but I will spend some time tracking down the source of those errors before starting a new thread. That might be a while, because all of the things I need for my current work are now working.
I’ve re-attached those two files from the earlier email from Hans so anyone reading this doesn’t need to hunt for them.
Thanks for the fixes!

On Fri, 28 Apr 2023, Gavin wrote:
Hi fellow Tik-Z users,
Tik-Z, including circuitikz, is working for me after adding two files from Hans to a slightly older version of ConTeXt (ver: 2023.02.07 19:06 LMTX fmt: 2023.3.14). I do not know if these files are of any use with the current versions, but I am quoting a list email from January (including the files) just in case it helps anyone with the present problems.
These are already part of the distribution. Just one caveat: you need to use \usemodule[tikz] \usemodule[pgfplots] Directly loading \usemodule[pgfplots] will not work as the t-pgfplots module explicitly loads t-tikz, which does not work with LMTX. Aditya

On 28/04/2023 16:25, Aditya Mahajan via ntg-context wrote:
These are already part of the distribution. Just one caveat: you need to use
\usemodule[tikz] \usemodule[pgfplots]
when running the example from contextgarden: https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Pgfplot \setupcolors[state=start] \usemodule[tikz] \usemodule[pgfplots] \starttext \starttikzpicture \startaxis[ xmin=0,xmax=300, title=http://cryogenics.nist.gov/, xlabel=$T$ (K), ylabel=$(L-L_{293})/L_{293}$, legend style={at={(0.95,0.05)},anchor=south east}, width=16cm ] \addplot[mark=none,color=red] plot file {sapphire.dat}; \addlegendentry{sapphire} \addplot[mark=none,color=green] plot file {Be.dat}; \addlegendentry{Be} \addplot[mark=none,color=blue] plot file {BeCu.dat}; \addlegendentry{BeCu} \addplot[mark=none,color=cyan] plot file {SS304.dat}; \addlegendentry{SS304} \addplot[mark=none,color=magenta] plot file {Al6061-T6.dat}; \addlegendentry{Al6061-T6} \addplot[mark=none,color=orange] plot file {nylon.dat}; \addlegendentry{nylon} \stopaxis \stoptikzpicture \stoptext i get a fatal error: resolvers | globbing | confusing filename, name: 'CHANGELOG', lower: 'changelog', already: 'ChangeLog' resolvers | formats | executing runner 'run luametatex format': /home/vm/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/luametatex --jobname="./context 24.tex" --socket --shell-escape --fmt=/home/vm/luametatex-cache/context/formats/luametatex/cont-en.fmt --lua=/home/vm/luametatex-cache/context/formats/luametatex/cont-en.lui --c:currentrun=1 --c:fulljobname="./context 24.tex" --c:input="./context 24.tex" --c:kindofrun=1 --c:maxnofruns=9 --c:purgeall --c:texmfbinpath="/home/vm/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin" resolvers > globbing > confusing filename, name: 'CHANGELOG', lower: 'changelog', already: 'ChangeLog' system > system > ConTeXt ver: 2023.04.27 17:04 LMTX fmt: 2023.4.28 int: english/english system > system > 'cont-new.mkxl' loaded open source > level 1, order 1, name '/home/vm/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-new.mkxl' system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv close source > level 1, order 1, name '/home/vm/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-new.mkxl' system > files > jobname './context 24', input './context 24.tex', result './context 24' fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language 'en' is active open source > level 1, order 2, name './context 24.tex' colors > 'rgb' color space is supported colors > 'cmyk' color space is supported modules > 'tikz' is loaded open source > level 2, order 3, name '/home/vm/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/modules/mkxl/m-tikz.mkxl' open source > level 3, order 4, name 'pgfutil-common.tex' open source > level 4, order 5, name 'pgfutil-common-lists.tex' close source > level 4, order 5, name 'pgfutil-common-lists.tex' close source > level 3, order 5, name 'pgfutil-common.tex' open source > level 3, order 6, name 'pgfutil-context.def' close source > level 3, order 6, name 'pgfutil-context.def' open source > level 3, order 7, name 'pgfrcs.code.tex' close source > level 3, order 7, name 'pgfrcs.code.tex' open source > level 3, order 8, name 'pgfsys.code.tex' open source > level 4, order 9, name 'pgfkeys.code.tex' open source > level 5, order 10, name 'pgfkeysfiltered.code.tex' close source > level 5, order 10, name 'pgfkeysfiltered.code.tex' close source > level 4, order 10, name 'pgfkeys.code.tex' open source > level 4, order 11, name 'pgf.cfg' close source > level 4, order 11, name 'pgf.cfg' Driver file for pgf: pgfsys-pdftex.def open source > level 4, order 12, name 'pgfsys-pdftex.def' open source > level 5, order 13, name 'pgfsys-common-pdf.def' close source > level 5, order 13, name 'pgfsys-common-pdf.def' close source > level 4, order 13, name 'pgfsys-pdftex.def' open source > level 4, order 14, name 'context.tex' setup > error in line 12, namespace 'fontinstanceready', instance 'D', key 'no,' open source > level 5, order 15, name '/home/vm/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/fonts/mkiv/type-imp-plex.mkiv' open source > level 6, order 16, name '/home/vm/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/fonts/mkiv/type-imp-texgyre.mkiv' close source > level 6, order 16, name '/home/vm/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/fonts/mkiv/type-imp-texgyre.mkiv' close source > level 5, order 16, name '/home/vm/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/fonts/mkiv/type-imp-plex.mkiv' fonts > checking > char 2 (U+00032) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char 4 (U+00034) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char . (U+0002E) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char p (U+00070) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char g (U+00067) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char f (U+00066) in font '' with id 0: missing backend > xmp > using file '/home/vm/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-pdx.xml' pages > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1 close source > level 4, order 16, name 'context.tex' close source > level 3, order 16, name 'pgfsys.code.tex' close source > level 2, order 16, name '/home/vm/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/modules/mkxl/m-tikz.mkxl' close source > level 1, order 16, name './context 24.tex' (\end occurred when luacondition \ifeof on line 1740 was incomplete)(\end occurred when \noif on line 3 was incomplete) mkiv lua stats > used config file: mkiv lua stats > used cache path: /home/vm/luametatex-cache/context mkiv lua stats > resource resolver: loadtime 0.048 seconds, 1 scans with scantime 0.046 seconds, 0 shared scans, 25 found files, scanned paths: /home/vm/context mkiv lua stats > stored bytecode data: 510 modules (0.182 sec), 105 tables (0.008 sec), 615 chunks (0.190 sec) mkiv lua stats > traced context: maxstack: 1698, freed: 0, unreachable: 1698 mkiv lua stats > cleaned up reserved nodes: 73 nodes, 7 lists of 437 mkiv lua stats > node memory usage: 9 attribute, 1 glue, 121 gluespec, 3 kern, 645 mathspec, 2 penalty, 2 temp mkiv lua stats > node list callback tasks: 16 unique task lists, 13 instances (re)created, 44 calls mkiv lua stats > used backend: pdf mkiv lua stats > jobdata time: 0.001 seconds saving, 0.000 seconds loading mkiv lua stats > callbacks: file: 6771, saved: 1700, direct: 22, function: 2014, value: 4, message: 0, bytecode: 615, late 0, total: 11126 (0 per page) mkiv lua stats > randomizer: initialized with value 0.16338585719336 mkiv lua stats > loaded tex modules: 1 requested, all found (*-tikz) mkiv lua stats > loaded patterns: en::1, load time: 0.000 mkiv lua stats > loaded fonts: 3 files: texgyrebonummath-companion.otf, texgyrebonum-math.otf, ibmplexserif-regular.otf mkiv lua stats > font engine: otf 3.133, afm 1.513, tfm 1.000, 13 instances, 8 shared in backend, 4 common vectors, 4 common hashes, load time 0.141 seconds mkiv lua stats > math tweaking time: 0.045 seconds, 12 math goodie tables mkiv lua stats > font embedding time: 0.002 seconds, 1 fonts mkiv lua stats > result saved in file: context 24.pdf, compresslevel 1, objectcompresslevel 3 mkiv lua stats > positions: 4 collected, 0 deltas, 0 shared partials, 0 partial entries mkiv lua stats > used platform: linux-64, type: unix, binary subtree: texmf-linux-64 mkiv lua stats > used engine: luametatex version: 2.1009, functionality level: 20230427, format id: 689, compiler: gcc mkiv lua stats > tex properties: 806391 hash slots used of 2097152, 50996 control sequences, approximate memory usage: 40 MB mkiv lua stats > lua properties: engine: lua 5.4, used memory: 62 MB, ctx: 60 MB, max: 60 MB, symbol mask: utf (τεχ) mkiv lua stats > runtime: 0.401 seconds, 1 processed pages, 1 shipped pages, 2.491 pages/second mtx-context | fatal error: return code: 1

On Fri, 28 Apr 2023, Floris van Manen via ntg-context wrote:
On 28/04/2023 16:25, Aditya Mahajan via ntg-context wrote:
These are already part of the distribution. Just one caveat: you need to use
\usemodule[tikz] \usemodule[pgfplots]
when running the example from contextgarden: https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Pgfplot
\setupcolors[state=start] \usemodule[tikz] \usemodule[pgfplots] \starttext \starttikzpicture \startaxis[ xmin=0,xmax=300, title=http://cryogenics.nist.gov/, xlabel=$T$ (K), ylabel=$(L-L_{293})/L_{293}$, legend style={at={(0.95,0.05)},anchor=south east}, width=16cm ] \addplot[mark=none,color=red] plot file {sapphire.dat}; \addlegendentry{sapphire} \addplot[mark=none,color=green] plot file {Be.dat}; \addlegendentry{Be} \addplot[mark=none,color=blue] plot file {BeCu.dat}; \addlegendentry{BeCu} \addplot[mark=none,color=cyan] plot file {SS304.dat}; \addlegendentry{SS304} \addplot[mark=none,color=magenta] plot file {Al6061-T6.dat}; \addlegendentry{Al6061-T6} \addplot[mark=none,color=orange] plot file {nylon.dat}; \addlegendentry{nylon} \stopaxis \stoptikzpicture \stoptext
Is it possible to create a standalone test that does not depend on a bunch of datafiles that need to be downloaded? Thanks, Aditya

On Fri, 28 Apr 2023, Ulrike Fischer via ntg-context wrote:
Am Fri, 28 Apr 2023 01:01:23 -0400 (EDT) schrieb Aditya Mahajan via ntg-context:
Circuitikz still doesn't work. Even loading the module fails.
It works for me on texlive 2023 with your new module file.
Thanks for testing. I'll double check what was going wrong with my circuitikz tests. Aditya

On Fri, 28 Apr 2023, Aditya Mahajan via ntg-context wrote:
On Fri, 28 Apr 2023, Ulrike Fischer via ntg-context wrote:
Am Fri, 28 Apr 2023 01:01:23 -0400 (EDT) schrieb Aditya Mahajan via ntg-context:
Circuitikz still doesn't work. Even loading the module fails.
It works for me on texlive 2023 with your new module file.
Thanks for testing. I'll double check what was going wrong with my circuitikz tests.
A 5 year old circuitikz module in $TEXMFHOME, which was interfering! Everything appears to be working now at my end as well. @Hans, could we add the m-tikz.mkxl file that I sent to the distribution. Thanks, Aditya

On 4/28/2023 6:08 AM, Aditya Mahajan via ntg-context wrote:
Hi all,
For a few months now, all features of tikz have not been working with LMTX. After help from Hans and a bit of trial and error, I think that figured out what was going wrong with the catcodes in m-tikz: Since the texcatcodes are different from what tikz expects, the catcodes have to be set inside \starttikzpicture (in addition to before the loading of tikz files, which was already being done).
I am attaching the working m-tikz.mkxl file.
I have tested this on my course notes, which make extensive use of simple tikz block diagrams and pgfplots graphs. Perhaps others who were having issues with tikz could test if this fixes everything and, if so, we can add this to the distribution. So, what is needed from tikz?
"graphics/pgf/base/pgf.tds.zip", "graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfplots.tds.zip", "graphics/pgf/contrib/circuitikz.tds.zip", Is there more that should be installed as reasonable basic set? I made a script that does fetch/installs it (and also wipes latex / plain /useless stuff afterwards including some shell etc scripts as we don't want those either - security risk etc -). Not being a tikz user I have no preferences but we can add some test files to the test suite if needed. Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------

On Thu, 4 May 2023, Hans Hagen via ntg-context wrote:
On 4/28/2023 6:08 AM, Aditya Mahajan via ntg-context wrote:
Hi all,
For a few months now, all features of tikz have not been working with LMTX. After help from Hans and a bit of trial and error, I think that figured out what was going wrong with the catcodes in m-tikz: Since the texcatcodes are different from what tikz expects, the catcodes have to be set inside \starttikzpicture (in addition to before the loading of tikz files, which was already being done).
I am attaching the working m-tikz.mkxl file.
I have tested this on my course notes, which make extensive use of simple tikz block diagrams and pgfplots graphs. Perhaps others who were having issues with tikz could test if this fixes everything and, if so, we can add this to the distribution. So, what is needed from tikz?
"graphics/pgf/base/pgf.tds.zip", "graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfplots.tds.zip", "graphics/pgf/contrib/circuitikz.tds.zip",
Is there more that should be installed as reasonable basic set?
I believe that these are the most popular ones.
I made a script that does fetch/installs it (and also wipes latex / plain /useless stuff afterwards including some shell etc scripts as we don't want those either - security risk etc -).
Does that mean that these will be now included as part of the lmtx install?
Not being a tikz user I have no preferences but we can add some test files to the test suite if needed.
It may be good to add some basic files (e.g., the ones that I sent to you off-list) so that we may know if these packages break again. Aditya

On 5/4/2023 11:12 PM, Aditya Mahajan via ntg-context wrote:
Does that mean that these will be now included as part of the lmtx install?
no, i'm not going to bloat that one, but there will be a mtxrun --script install-tikz
Not being a tikz user I have no preferences but we can add some test files to the test suite if needed.
It may be good to add some basic files (e.g., the ones that I sent to you off-list) so that we may know if these packages break again. yes, i already added thse
Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------
participants (5)
Aditya Mahajan
Floris van Manen
Hans Hagen
Ulrike Fischer