placetable with location=split produces error (Christoph Reller)

On Thu, 09 Jun 2016 10:08:24, Christoph Reller
\starttext \dorecurse{9}{\input ward} \startplacetable[location=split] \bTABLE \bTR \bTD \input tufte \eTD \eTR \eTABLE \stopplacetable \stoptext
The error message is:
! Undefined control sequence <argument> ...ixednumber {\currentfloat }\currentfloatnumber \relax \thecurrentfloatnum... \flushbothlabelclass #1#2#3->#1#3 #2 \namedtaggedlabeltexts ...\dostarttagged {#1}{#2}} \dostoptagged \endgroup \thecurrentfloatnumber ...rentfloatnumbersuffix }} \fi \fi \fi \strc_floats_make_complete_caption ...floatnumber }\ifnofloatcaption \else \... \strc_floats_check_caption_content ...ete_caption }\ifdim \wd \b_strc_floats... ...
I have some additional information: 1. This error is also occurs when using the inline version: \placetable[split]{}{\bTABLE ... \eTABLE} 2. When adding \setupinteraction[state=start], then the error changes to: ! Missing number, treated as zero <to be read again> { \strc_floats_place_packaged_boxes_indeed ...bute { \doifelsemainfloatbody \cu... \strc_floats_finish_placement ...e_packaged_boxes \dostoptagged \global \d_p... \syst_boxes_with_next_box ...mand {\box \nextbox } \egroup \ifconditional \so... \tabl_split_loop_body ...sult \tsplitafterresult } \doifnotinsidesplitfloat \... \syst_helpers_loop_yes ...helpers_recurse_content \endofloop ... 3. This error happens in the currently latest version 2016.06.10_08:11 of context. It is, however, also reproducible for earlier versions dating back at least to 2015.06.12. If there is any way I can help in resolving this issue then please let me know. Kind regards, Christoph
participants (1)
Christoph Reller