missing enc file

Hi, Karl Berry and I just found out that on the coming tex live the cm*.enc files are missing (but lm-rep-cm* files are present); this can result in missing characters in math mode. Since it's too late to fix that ... I'll upload a release that has a map file referering to the lm-rep files (replicated files) so i assume that one has a recent lm installation; i have no idea to what extent those missing enc files will influence user's systems. I can add them to the context zip if needed. [cm mapping is needed for (1) math fonts and (2) including files that already have cm files; the context distribution has a file original-public-lm.map that -i hope- does an efficient inclusion -- has to do with pdftex being able to determins shared fonts] In any case, keep an eye on it when you install the coming tex live and miss chars. Hans
participants (1)
Hans Hagen