Setup left, right, between entries in custom cite of multiple references

I'm trying to customise \cite and unable to get inbetween= to appear between entries in a multi-ref citation. My own customisations via a copy of publ-imp-apa.mkvi and .lua have this problem, so in case it was due to my customisation I went back to solid ground — the Chemistry example, pp. 70-74 in the Publications manual ( The cite examples on p.74 work as shown, but when I add each of the following: \cite [name][108-95-2,566-33-5]\par \cite [formula][108-95-2,566-33-5]\par \cite [chemical][108-95-2,566-33-5]\par \cite [molarvolume][108-95-2,566-33-5,24599-57-3]\par I simply get the citation details, no separator between, and no left or right. Either of the following works for left= and right=. However inbetween= does not activate, and similarly for separator:2, separator:3, separator:4. \definebtx [chemistry:cite:formula] [left={\color[blue]{(}}, % the colour to differentiate from \setupbtx below right={\color[red]{)}}, inbetween={\btxcomma\btxspace}, % no effect ] \setupbtx [chemistry:cite:formula] [left={(}, right={)}, inbetween={\btxcomma\btxspace}, ] Grateful for any guidance as to how I can remedy this issue. Regards, and thanks, Mike
participants (1)
Mike O'Connor