All, Is there a switch I can set to get rid of the arithmetic overflow in the following example? %output=pdf \setupcolors[state=start] \definecolor[gridlines][s=0.7] \startMPinclusions color gridlines; gridlines:=\MPcolor{gridlines}; vardef create_grid (expr l,r,h,b,t,v,wid,ht)= save ux, uy; numeric ux, uy; (r-l)*ux=wid; (t-b)*uy=ht; for k=b step v until t: draw (l*ux,k*uy)--(r*ux,k*uy) withcolor \MPcolor{gridlines}; endfor; for k=l step h until r: draw (k*ux,b*uy)--(k*ux,t*uy) withcolor \MPcolor{gridlines}; endfor; enddef; vardef create_axes (expr l,r,b,t,wid,ht,blbl) (text xlbl,ylbl) = save ux, uy; numeric ux, uy; (r-l)*ux=wid; (t-b)*uy=ht; textextoffset:=3pt; drawdblarrow (1.05*l*ux,0)--(1.05*r*ux,0); draw textext.rt(xlbl) shifted (1.05*r*ux,0); if blbl:draw textext.bot(decimal r) shifted (r*ux,0); fi; drawdblarrow (0,1.05*b*uy)--(0,1.05*t*uy); draw textext.top(ylbl) shifted (0,1.05*t*uy); if blbl: draw textext.lft(decimal t) shifted (0,t*uy); fi; enddef; vardef drawfcn (expr ind,dep,l,r,b,t,wid,ht,n) text txt = save x, dx, ux, uy; numeric x, dx, ux, uy; dx:=(r-l)/n; (r-l)*ux=wid; (t-b)*uy=ht; save cpath; path cpath; cpath:=(l,b)--(r,b)--(r,t)--(l,t)--cycle; save p; path p; hide (x:=l;) p:=(scantokens(ind),scantokens(dep)); for xx:=l step dx until r: hide (x:=xx;) p:=p--(scantokens(ind),scantokens(dep)); endfor; hide(x:=r;) p:=p--(scantokens(ind),scantokens(dep)); p:=p cutbefore cpath; p:=reverse p; p:=p cutbefore cpath; p:=p xyscaled (ux,uy); drawdblarrow p txt; enddef; \stopMPinclusions \starttext \startMPpage %figure library name: x2 %initialize window parameters numeric xmin, xmax, xscl, ymin, ymax, yscl; xmin:=-10; xmax:=10; xscl:=1; ymin:=-10; ymax:=10; yscl:=1; %initialize number of points numeric num_points; num_points:=100; %initialize dimensions of image numeric width, height; width=1.5in; height=1.5in; %create the grid create_grid(xmin,xmax,xscl,ymin,ymax,yscl,width,height); boolean lbl_scl; lbl_scl:=true; %create the axes create_axes(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,width,height,lbl_scl)("$x$")("$y$"); %draw the function drawfcn("x","x*x",xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,width,height,100) withcolor blue ; \stopMPpage \startMPpage %figure library name: x4 %initialize window parameters numeric xmin, xmax, xscl, ymin, ymax, yscl; xmin:=-10; xmax:=10; xscl:=1; ymin:=-10; ymax:=10; yscl:=1; %initialize number of points numeric num_points; num_points:=100; %initialize dimensions of image numeric width, height; width=1.5in; height=1.5in; %create the grid create_grid(xmin,xmax,xscl,ymin,ymax,yscl,width,height); boolean lbl_scl; lbl_scl:=true; %create the axes create_axes(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,width,height,lbl_scl)("$x$")("$y$"); %draw the function drawfcn("x","x**4",xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,width,height,100) withcolor blue ; \stopMPpage \startMPpage %figure library name: x6 %initialize window parameters numeric xmin, xmax, xscl, ymin, ymax, yscl; xmin:=-10; xmax:=10; xscl:=1; ymin:=-10; ymax:=10; yscl:=1; %initialize number of points numeric num_points; num_points:=100; %initialize dimensions of image numeric width, height; width=1.5in; height=1.5in; %create the grid create_grid(xmin,xmax,xscl,ymin,ymax,yscl,width,height); boolean lbl_scl; lbl_scl:=true; %create the axes create_axes(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,width,height,lbl_scl)("$x$")("$y$"); %draw the function drawfcn("x","x**6",xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,width,height,100) withcolor blue ; \stopMPpage \stoptext %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: conTeXt-en %%% End:

David Arnold wrote:
I found warningcheck:=0. Anything allow me to get even bigger numbers to work?
Not easily. There is a set of macros for arbitrary calculation using strings instead of integers (sarith), and for Mlog encoded numbers (marith). That might help, but it will mean quite some changes to your code. There is some explanation on the top of "sarith.mp" and "marith.mp", which should be on your system already. Cheers, Taco
participants (2)
David Arnold
Taco Hoekwater