Hallo! I have studied the table examples at contextgarden and have some questions. ---------------------- \|10 as a relacement for \VL gives me thicker vert. lines in that position only. How can I define a thicker vert. Line for the whole column? My attempts in \starttable[..\|10..] doesn't work. ---------------------- Why is there so little space between the two rows of the table below? \starttable[|l|p(.7\textwidth)|] \HL \NC bla1 \VL Eins \type{zwei} drei. Eins zwei drei. Eins zwei drei \type{vier} oder \type{sechs}l. Das ist der Leerraum zwischen den Spalten \type{n}. \FR \NC bla2 \VL Eins, zwei \type{drei} \LR \HL \stoptable ---------------------- The two tables in the example below are differing and show, that \SetTableToWidth{0pt} doesn't reset the situation. What is the defaultvalue/resetvalue for \SetTableToWidth{}? \starttable[|l|l|] \VL 11 \VL 12 \VL\FR \VL 21 \VL 22 \VL\LR \stoptable \SetTableToWidth{\textwidth} % some other table stuff \SetTableToWidth{0pt} \starttable[|l|l|] \VL 11 \VL 12 \VL\FR \VL 21 \VL 22 \VL\LR \stoptable ---------------------- Look at the example below: Without any \SetTableToWidth{} this table has neither hor. Lines nor green color. The gray is there. Why? Variant 1: This is an combination of two wiki-examples. The first column of the table is about \textwidth (a little bit smaller). Why? Between the gray and the second hor. Line there is a small white area. Same between green and fourth hor. Line. Hmm! Variant 2: Hor. Line and green area are .2\textwidth as expected. But gray area is about .6\textwidth and so is the column as a whole. Why that? Variant 3: All ok now. Even the spacing between coloured areas and lines is ok. \setupcolors[state=start] \starttext %\SetTableToWidth{.2\textwidth} % Variant 2 \SetTableToWidth{\textwidth} % Variant 1 \starttable[|lp(.45\textwidth)|lp(.45\textwidth)|] \HL \BL[1]\SR %\VL Command \VL Meaning \VL\SR % Variant 3 \NC Command \NC Meaning \SR \HL \NC \tex{NC} \NC next column \FR \NC \tex{NR} \NC next row \LR \HL \CL[green]\SR \NC \tex{AR} \NC automatic row \SR \HL \stoptable \stoptext ---------------------- Wolfgang
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