I should have a first page without pagenumber and pagenumbers on the subsequent ones. However the MWE here introduces an unwanted blank page from the call to \setuppagenumbering[state=start]. And the \setuppagenumbering has to come after the \page, of course. Should I program otherwise? yours sincerely dr. Hans van der Meer % test pagenumbering start-stop \setuppapersize[A5][A5] \starttext \setuppagenumbering[state=stop] \ConTeXt\space\contextversion\blank This is page 1 without pagenumber.\crlf \page \setuppagenumbering[state=start] This should be a page with pagenumber 2.\crlf But the pagenumber is 3 instead after blank page 2. \stoptext 

Hans van der Meer via ntg-context schrieb am 19.11.2023 um 11:56:
I should have a first page without pagenumber and pagenumbers on the subsequent ones. However the MWE here introduces an unwanted blank page from the call to \setuppagenumbering[state=start]. And the \setuppagenumbering has to come after the \page, of course.
Should I program otherwise?
There is nothing you can do here for the moment, the empty page is caused by a new piece of code in page-lay.mkxl (see below) to go to the next odd page when you use the \setuppagenumbering command. page-lay.mkxl (line 1436): \appendtoks \ifnum\realpageno>\plusone \page[\v!odd]% \setuplayout \fi \to \everysetuppagenumbering Wolfgang

sorry if i dont get your problem right understood, but i'm completely new to context. I use a hack not to get the number not printed in the title page (though I define sectionblocks for keeping different numbering systems for the table of contents and the document) I use \setuppagenumbering[location=] for not getting the number printed and then I reset the page numbering for the next sections. I copy my code so that you know what I do. Sorry if it doesnt help %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% LOS BLOQUES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \definesectionblock[portada][number=no] \defineconversionset [portada:pagenumber][][characters] \defineconversionset [frontpart:pagenumber][][romannumerals] \defineconversionset [bodypart:pagenumber][][numbers] \defineconversionset [appendixpart:pagenumber][][Characters] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% NUMERACIÓN DE PÁGINAS, SETUP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided,location={footer,inmargin}] \setupuserpagenumber[way=byblock] \starttext \startsectionblock[portada] \setuppagenumbering[location=] \input{03_portadaEval.tex}%this is my title page \stopsectionblock \startfrontmatter[] \start \setuplayout[reset] \setupinterlinespace[.8ex] \completecontent \stop \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter[] \input{50_Evaluacion.tex}%a piece of text \stopbodymatter \stoptext

On 11/19/23 23:34, madiazm.eoicc@gmail.com wrote:
sorry if i dont get your problem right understood, but i'm completely new to context.
Hi Miguel, I’m afraid it isn’t entirely clear whether you intend to ask something or not.
I use a hack not to get the number not printed in the title page (though I define sectionblocks for keeping different numbering systems for the table of contents and the document)
Section blocks are intended for that. Just a comment, if your cover (or title) page involves a one and only single page, you may use makeups, such as in: \starttext \startmakeup[standard][pagestate=start] \dorecurse{25}{\input knuth} \stopmakeup \stoptext My sample explicitly displays that makeups are intended for a single page. Since actual content for that makeup would fit in six pages without the makeup, it looks weird inside it.
I use \setuppagenumbering[location=] for not getting the number printed and then I reset the page numbering for the next sections. I copy my code so that you know what I do. Sorry if it doesnt help
If you are showing your code to list members, fine. Sorry, but if there is a question here, I’m afraid you need to be more explicit asking your question. Just some comments:
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% LOS BLOQUES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
In a minimal sample, comments as the previous one don’t provide any clue to understand your code or the issue you might be dealing with. It is wiser to keep the sample to its minimal form.
\startsectionblock[portada] \setuppagenumbering[location=] \input{03_portadaEval.tex}%this is my title page
It is better to provide actual content than a file name. BTW, if its contents cannot be in more than a single page, the approach suggested above might be easier.
Empty brackets are not required here.
\start \setuplayout[re \setupinterlinespace[.8ex]
I would say that this is extremely small even for an "x" to fit in. Again, just in case it might help, Pablo

Thanks a lot Pablo for your comments, I think my bad Englisch did not let me be clear. I just wanted to show my trick not to get the first page numbered, hiding the number with [location=] and then changing the number format to the wished option. I was not asking a question. Of course, since this is all new for me, I possibly go around and aroung to get a little thing done. In the introductions to ConTeXt I never found the command startmakeup, so i had to figure out a way to do it. I will study it at weekend.
participants (4)
Hans van der Meer
Pablo Rodriguez
Wolfgang Schuster