Hi, [my current version: 2022.05.02 16:19] With the past two-or-so uploads, btx output seems to be broken in some cases. Compiling the below example \usebtxdataset[refs.bib] \usebtxdefinitions[aps] \starttext This reference has a tag which is in camel-case: \cite[Nielsen2011_ChernoffInformationExponentialFamilies] On the other hand this reference has a tag which is lower-case: \cite[vaart1998_asymptoticstatistics] \placelistofpublications \stoptext along with the bibtex file (refs.bib attached here), only the second citation entry has a properly rendered bibliography entry while the first one does not. Notably, any bibtex entries whose tags are not all lowercase (ASCII) are not rendered correctly. Instead, in the log I get publications > unknown tag 'nielsen2011_chernoffinformationexponentialfamilies' in dataset 'default' Almost all my entries in bib files are in camel-case since I find that to be easier to read and it gives me a better clue of what the item is. With some recent uploads I noticed that in publ-ini.lua 'tag' and 'field' entries were string.lowered(). Upon removing those statements, I am able to get the proper output. I also have certain bib files where the entries are not at all in ASCII (so I am not sure what the code might do there, I did not check in detail). I hope I can continue to use camel case for the tags (if its not too much to ask): is there some additional setting that I should change to allow this so that the output is rendered correctly? Thanks, Sreeram

On 5/4/22 6:02 PM śrīrāma wrote:
Notably, any bibtex entries whose tags are not all lowercase (ASCII) are not rendered correctly. Instead, in the log I get
publications > unknown tag 'nielsen2011_chernoffinformationexponentialfamilies' in dataset 'default'
Attaching the output I get which demonstrates the issue with the bad output of the first entry. Sreeram
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