\margintext overflows in bottom margin

I am using*\margintext* for comments in the margin. When a comment falls on the last line of a page, I have to manually add *\setupmargintext[voffset=-2em] *everytime to stop it from flowing into bottom margin. Is there a way to automatically offset margin text to stop it from flowing into bottom margin. I took a look at *typo-mar.mkiv* to see if an option exists to correct this without any success. *MWE* \setuplayout[height=6cm,width=5cm,rightmargin=5cm] \unprotect % setup the side notes \setupmargindata [margintext] [location=outer, width=4.5cm, align=flushleft, stack=yes] \starttext \showframe A \crlf A\crlf A\crlf %\setupmargindata[margintext][voffset=-2em] A\margintext{A margin text.A margin text.A margin text.A margin text.} \stoptext Devendra
participants (1)
Devendra Ghate