question about multimedia renderings

Dear list, I’m planning to add an explanation about multimedia inclusion to the wiki, but first I wanted to discuss an issue I have found. I have the following sample (adapted from scrn-wid.mklx): \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \null\page \definerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow] [width=\textwidth, height=\textwidth, %openpageaction=StartCurrentRendering, %closepageaction=StopCurrentRendering, openpageaction=StartRendering{\currentrendering}, closepageaction=StopRendering{\currentrendering}, framecolor=red] \startTEXpage[offset=1em, pagestate=start] \userendering[key-name][video/mp4][video.mp4] [embed=yes, auto, ] \placerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow][key-name] \stopTEXpage \null\page \stoptext \userendering[][][auto] would enable automatic play or stop when the page with the rendering is reached or left (respectively). I cannot get it working. Neither do work the commented lines in \definerenderingwindow. Inspecting the PDF code, the screen annotation only gets an additional actions dictionary ( with /PO and /PC entries, when open and close page actions are set to StartRendering{\currentrendering} and StopRendering{\currentrendering}. Just for reference, this is the screen annotation object with the additional actions dictionary: 13 0 obj << /Type /Annot /A << /AN 13 0 R /OP 0 /R 12 0 R /S /Rendition >> /AA << /PC << /AN 13 0 R /OP 1 /R 12 0 R /S /Rendition >> /PO << /AN 13 0 R /OP 0 /R 12 0 R /S /Rendition >> >> /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /P 14 0 R /Subtype /Screen /T <FEFF006B00650079002D006E0061006D0065> /Rect [ 12.353668 12.353668 437.54664 437.54664 ]
And this is what I get with \userendering[][][auto]: 13 0 obj << /Type /Annot /A << /AN 13 0 R /OP 0 /R 12 0 R /S /Rendition >> /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /P 14 0 R /Subtype /Screen /T <FEFF006B00650079002D006E0061006D0065> /Rect [ 12.353668 12.353668 437.54664 437.54664 ]
Could anyone be so kind to confirm the issue? Many thanks for your help, Pablo

On Sun Jan 15, 2023 at 10:49 PM CET, Pablo Rodriguez via ntg-context wrote:
Dear list,
I’m planning to add an explanation about multimedia inclusion to the wiki, but first I wanted to discuss an issue I have found.
I have the following sample (adapted from scrn-wid.mklx):
\setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \null\page \definerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow] [width=\textwidth, height=\textwidth, %openpageaction=StartCurrentRendering, %closepageaction=StopCurrentRendering, openpageaction=StartRendering{\currentrendering}, closepageaction=StopRendering{\currentrendering}, framecolor=red] \startTEXpage[offset=1em, pagestate=start] \userendering[key-name][video/mp4][video.mp4] [embed=yes, auto, ] \placerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow][key-name] \stopTEXpage \null\page \stoptext
\userendering[][][auto] would enable automatic play or stop when the page with the rendering is reached or left (respectively).
I cannot get it working. Neither do work the commented lines in \definerenderingwindow.
Inspecting the PDF code, the screen annotation only gets an additional actions dictionary ( with /PO and /PC entries, when open and close page actions are set to StartRendering{\currentrendering} and StopRendering{\currentrendering}.
Just for reference, this is the screen annotation object with the additional actions dictionary:
13 0 obj << /Type /Annot /A << /AN 13 0 R /OP 0 /R 12 0 R /S /Rendition >> /AA << /PC << /AN 13 0 R /OP 1 /R 12 0 R /S /Rendition >> /PO << /AN 13 0 R /OP 0 /R 12 0 R /S /Rendition >> >> /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /P 14 0 R /Subtype /Screen /T <FEFF006B00650079002D006E0061006D0065> /Rect [ 12.353668 12.353668 437.54664 437.54664 ]
And this is what I get with \userendering[][][auto]:
13 0 obj << /Type /Annot /A << /AN 13 0 R /OP 0 /R 12 0 R /S /Rendition >> /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /P 14 0 R /Subtype /Screen /T <FEFF006B00650079002D006E0061006D0065> /Rect [ 12.353668 12.353668 437.54664 437.54664 ]
Could anyone be so kind to confirm the issue?
AFAICT I based the auto option on the "Start/StopCurrentRendering" actions (2021-09-14) which we later agreed to remove (2021-09-17), so there was a bug. Reasoning for removal of the "Current" variants at the time: On Tue Sep 14, 2021 at 9:37 PM CEST, Hans Hagen wrote:
Because \currentrendering is local we could as well drop the Current variants ... it's not like people will put hundreds of videos in a file so enforcing the named one makes sense.
So Start/StopRendering{label} should be used instead (Hans already redid most of the examples, you found the two places in scrn-wid.mklx where there is an incosistency. I would think that something like the attached could work. But in some cases it fails on the TeX side with something I am not sure about. I probably overlooked something. Anyways the idea is to just use the Start/StopRendering actions with the correct label. Michal

On 1/16/23 02:42, Michal Vlasák via ntg-context wrote:
[...] I would think that something like the attached could work. But in some cases it fails on the TeX side with something I am not sure about. I probably overlooked something. Anyways the idea is to just use the Start/StopRendering actions with the correct label.
Hi Michal, many thanks for your reply. Your code fixes the "auto" option. At least with the following sample: \setupinteraction[state=start] \unexpanded\def\IncludeVideo[#1] {\definerenderingwindow[#1] [width=\textwidth, height=\textwidth, framecolor=red] \userendering[#1][video/mp4][#1] [embed=yes, auto] \placerenderingwindow[#1][#1]} \starttext \null\page \startTEXpage[offset=1em, pagestate=start] \IncludeVideo[video-1.mp4] \stopTEXpage \null\page \startTEXpage[offset=1em, pagestate=start] \IncludeVideo[video-2.mp4] \stopTEXpage \null\page \stoptext I attach a diff and complete file with the the fix from today and the addition of controls, volume, repeat and opacity you sent me some days ago (already sent in Just in case Hans may review your code and merge into ConTeXt. Many thanks for your help, Pablo
participants (2)
Michal Vlasák
Pablo Rodriguez