The documentation (http://www.ntg.nl/maps/26/12.pdf) suggests that the order of citations can be changed using "sorttype=cite". The example code below writes a 6 in the document. I thought by setting the sorttype to "cite" that the bibliography order would be determined based on the order that the "cite" macros occur in the document. If I have understood correctly, then the sample document should write a 1 in the document. Any idea why 6 is written instead of 1? Thank you. -- Example code: \setupbibtex[database=sources] \setuppublications[ sorttype=cite, ] \starttext hello world\cite[kattamuri@debate] \startbackmatter \completepublications[criterium=all] \stopbackmatter \stoptext -- Sample bibliography: @inproceedings{delaune@coercion, title={Coercion-resistance and receipt-freeness in electronic voting}, author={Delaune, Stephanie and Kremer, Steve and Ryan, Mark}, booktitle={Computer Security Foundations Workshop. 19th IEEE}, pages={12--pp}, organization={IEEE}, year={2006}, url={https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~mdr/research/papers/pdf/06-csfw.pdf}, } @article{zbmath0homomorphic, author={Andrea {Huszti}}, title={{A homomorphic encryption-based secure electronic voting scheme}}, journal={{Publicationes Mathematicae}}, ISSN={0033-3883}, volume={79}, number={3-4}, pages={479--496}, year={2011}, publisher={Institutum Mathematicum Universitatis Debreceniensis, Debrecen}, language={English}, DOI={10.5486/PMD.2011.5142}, MSC2010={94A60 68P25}, zbl={1249.94030}, url={https://www.inf.unideb.hu/~ahuszti/papers/5142-Huszti_megjelent.pdf}, } @inproceedings{peng04homomorphic, author={Kun Peng and Riza Aditya and Colin Boyd and Byoungcheon Lee}, title={Multiplicative homomorphic e-voting}, booktitle={In Advances in Cryptology - Indocrypt ’04}, year={2004}, pages={61--72}, url={https://eprints.qut.edu.au/24434/1/}, } @inproceedings{kremer@verify, address={Athens, Greece}, author={Kremer, Steve and Ryan, Mark D. and Smyth, Ben}, booktitle={{P}roceedings of the 15th {E}uropean {S}ymposium on {R}esearch in {C}omputer {S}ecurity ({ESORICS}'10)}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-642-15497-3_24}, editor={Gritzalis, Dimitris and Preneel, Bart}, pages={389-404}, publisher={Springer}, series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, title={Election verifiability in electronic voting protocols}, volume={6345}, year={2010}, month={9}, acronym={{ESORICS}'10}, url={https://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/Publis/PAPERS/PDF/KRS-esorics10.pdf}, } @article{acquisti0homomorphic, author={Alessandro Acquisti}, url={https://www.heinz.cmu.edu/~acquisti/papers/acquisti-electronic_voting.pdf}, journal={IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive}, pages={105}, title={Receipt-Free Homomorphic Elections and Write-in Voter Verified Ballots}, volume={2004}, year={2004}, month={4}, } @inproceedings{kattamuri@debate, author = {Kattamuri, Kishore and Silaghi, Marius and Kaner, Cem and Stansifer, Ryan and Zanker, Markus}, title = {Supporting Debates over Citizen Initiatives}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2005 National Conference on Digital Government Research}, series = {dg.o '05}, year = {2005}, location = {Atlanta, Georgia}, pages = {279--280}, numpages = {2}, url = {https://repository.lib.fit.edu/bitstream/handle/11141/150/cs-2005-03.pdf}, acmid = {1065321}, publisher = {Digital Government Society of North America}, }

On 2014-08-07 13:20, Thangalin wrote:
The documentation (http://www.ntg.nl/maps/26/12.pdf) suggests that the order of citations can be changed using "sorttype=cite".
The example code below writes a 6 in the document. I thought by setting the sorttype to "cite" that the bibliography order would be determined based on the order that the "cite" macros occur in the document.
If I have understood correctly, then the sample document should write a 1 in the document.
Any idea why 6 is written instead of 1?
Thank you.
Reverse the order of the last two entries in your bib file and rerun the example. You will no longer have 6 and will now have a significant clue about why the 6 appeared the first time. Now change the line \completepublications[criterium=all] to \placepublications[criterium=text] rerun, and examine the result. -- Rik

Thank you, Rik. I wanted to list all the bibliography entries (including unreferenced citations) with referenced citations ordered chronologically. I suppose that would require maintaining two separate bibliography files... It's not all that important, though. Kindest regards.

On 2014-08-11 01:30, Thangalin wrote:
Thank you, Rik.
I wanted to list all the bibliography entries (including unreferenced citations) with referenced citations ordered chronologically. I suppose that would require maintaining two separate bibliography files...
If by chronologically, you mean by the order that citations appear in the document, then you might want something like: \setupbibtex[database=sources] \setuppublications[ sorttype=cite, ] \starttext hello world\cite[kattamuri@debate] \startbackmatter \nocite[zbmath0homomorphic,peng04homomorphic,kattamuri@debate] \nocite[delaune@coercion] \nocite[kremer@verify,acquisti0homomorphic] \placepublications[criterium=cite] \stopbackmatter \stoptext This results in the explicitly cited works first, followed by the remaining nocited documents with cited works. You can manually create the nocite entries or generate them with a script. From earlier comments on the list, it appears that with ConTeXt MKII one could use \nocite[*] instead of \nocite[all entries that appear in database], but that does not work in MKIV. Perhaps the new bibliography tools will provide it again. -- Rik
participants (3)
Rik Kabel