Resume module with moderncv interface

Hello, I am trying to use the resume module with the moderncv interface without any success so far. I have errors when I am trying to use any of the added commands like \setresumevalue or \cvline. Log file is attached. Here is my context file (CV.tex) : \usemodule[resume][interface=moderncv,style=casual] \starttext \setresumevalue{firstname} {John} \setresumevalue{familyname}{Doe} \startresume \cvline{A} {B} \stopresume \stoptext I have compared the list of the installed files of an old version of the ubuntu context-modules package ( with a recent one ( and it seems to me that the moderncv interface was removed in ConTeXt some time ago. Is it really the case ? Best regards, Jonas Baggett

Jonas Baggett 6. Oktober 2016 um 13:38 Hello,
I am trying to use the resume module with the moderncv interface without any success so far. I have errors when I am trying to use any of the added commands like \setresumevalue or \cvline. Log file is attached.
Here is my context file (CV.tex) :
\setresumevalue{firstname} {John} \setresumevalue{familyname}{Doe}
\cvline{A} {B}
I have compared the list of the installed files of an old version of the ubuntu context-modules package ( with a recent one ( and it seems to me that the moderncv interface was removed in ConTeXt some time ago. Is it really the case ? Yes, the moderncv interface is gone (together with the alternative interfaces for the letter module) but you can see a different method below. If you really want a copy of the moderncv package for ConTeXt you should convert the LaTeX code to ConTeXt and make a separate module for it.
%%%% begin example \usemodule[resume] %\useresumestyle[casual-blue] \useresumestyle[classic-blue] \setupresumeoptions [bodyfont=calluna] \setupresume [firstname=John, familyname=Doe, title=Resumé title (optional),% classic style only quote=My quote,% casual style only image={\externalfigure[dummy][width=3cm,height=4cm]}] \setupresume [street={street and number}, town={postcode city}, mobile={+1(234)567890}, phone={+2(345)678901}, fax={+3(456)789012}, email={}, info={additional information}] \startresume \startresumesection[title={Knuth}] \startresumesubsection[title={Zapf}] \starttwocolumns \input ward \stoptwocolumns \stopresumesubsection \stopresumesection \page \startresumesection[title={Knuth}] \startresumesubsection[title={Zapf}] \starttwocolumns \input ward \stoptwocolumns \stopresumesubsection \stopresumesection \stopresume %%%% end example To add dates to entries you can use the lefttext key for the twocolumns environment, e.g. \starttwocolumns[lefttext=...] ... \stoptwocolumns Wolfgang

Le 10. 10. 16 à 22:29, Wolfgang Schuster a écrit :
Yes, the moderncv interface is gone (together with the alternative interfaces for the letter module) but you can see a different method below. If you really want a copy of the moderncv package for ConTeXt you should convert the LaTeX code to ConTeXt and make a separate module for it.
I have finally used latex with the moderncv package for my CV and I am using ConTeXt with the letter module for my cover letters and I am happy with this solution. I have made my cover letter template look a lot like the cover letter generated by the moderncv latex package. I saw that you are the creator of the letter module, so I want to thank you for the work ! Greetings, Jonas
participants (2)
Jonas Baggett
Wolfgang Schuster