Hi all, I've become rather confused on how ConTeXt searches paths so I made a quick example... Attached is ConTest.zip which expands to a trivial directory layout for a project. ConTest/env_test.tex ConTest/prd_one ConTest/prd_one/cmp_aaa ConTest/prd_one/cmp_aaa/cmp_aaa.tex ConTest/prd_one/cmp_aaa/tbl_aaa.tex ConTest/prd_one/cmp_bbb ConTest/prd_one/cmp_bbb/cmp_bbb.tex ConTest/prd_one/prd_one.tex ConTest/prd_two ConTest/prd_two/cmp_ccc ConTest/prd_two/cmp_ccc/cmp_ccc.tex ConTest/prd_two/cmp_ddd ConTest/prd_two/cmp_ddd/cmp_ddd.tex ConTest/prd_two/prd_two.tex ConTest/prj_test.tex My problems: (1) I generally like to keep tables, figures and even some complicated equations in separate input files so that I can easily move the files between different projects (i.e. papers for publications, internal docs, grant applications, etc). More often than not, my 'tbl_*' files are symlinks. In this example I use: \input tbl_aaa.tex within the file cmp_aaa.tex to illustrate my problem. Namely, I cannot find the file tbl_aaa.tex when generating either prj_test.tex or prd_one.tex? I've tried a variety of commands in place of input, including the various readfile commands but nothing I've tried can make ConTeXt find this file. (2) Can someone please explain what \usepath[] and \usesubpath[] are for and what the difference between the two is? I've read many messages that refer to these but have yet to find a true example showing their use. Their names suggest they may be useful in the case but as the attached files suggest, I've been unable to figure out what to do with them. (3) I've largely switched over my figures to using the image database (aka resource libraries?). Is it currently possible to create databases of equations and/or tables? Many thanks and have a good weekend, Randall
participants (1)
Randall Skelton