Hello all, I am here at TUG 2012 updating the presentation that I am to give in the morning. I have had a couple of lingering questions regarding simpleslides that I thought I would put out there. They are not show stoppers, and I have lived with them in my other presentations. It is just that with my brain on TeX (and ConTeXt) for the past few days, I thought that I would try to resolve them once and for all. 1. Fonts I would like to specify separate mainfont and bodyfont using the simplefonts module (or some other consistent mechanism). I have read the thread from: http://www.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-context/2011/056495.html and have tried to split up Wolfgang's suggestion into the two parts. I have tried: \usemodule[simplefonts][size=18pt] \setmainfont[grandesignneueserif] \setupbodyfont[dejavuserif] which gets me the title font, but not the body font. The other approach: \definetypeface[mainface][rm][serif][DejaVu Serif][default] \definetypeface[mainface][ss][sans][DejaVu Sans][default] \definetypeface[mainface][tt][mono][Inconsolata][default] \setupbodyfont[mainface] also doesn't seem to work at all. I get what I believe to be Latin Modern Sans across the board. I have resorted to using one of the default fonts via the module switch for now, but would like to customize the font selection to my taste. 2. Margins I have the following slide, where only the right margin is affected. I have tried variations on backspace, width and margin but haven't gotten the left margin to move.
\definelayout[quotation][leftmargin=1.5in,rightmargin=1.5in] \SlideTitle{An exception: Lotus Improv, an exceptional spreadsheet} \blank \setuplayout[quotation] \quotation{Pito Salas, a developer at ATG, decided to attack this problem. After a few months of studying existing real-world examples, it became clear that the data, views of that data, and the formulas that acted on that data were very separate concepts. Yet in every case, the existing spreadsheet programs required the user to type all of these items into the same (typically single) sheet's cells.} \par \setuplayout[reset] \startalignment[flushright] \blank[2*big] {\em Source: Wikipedia:Lotus Improv} <<<< I am sure that it is something simple that I am missing here, but any guidance would be most appreciated. Many thanks. -- ----- - Pavneet Arora

Am 18.07.2012 um 02:41 schrieb Pavneet Arora:
Hello all,
I am here at TUG 2012 updating the presentation that I am to give in the morning.
I have had a couple of lingering questions regarding simpleslides that I thought I would put out there. They are not show stoppers, and I have lived with them in my other presentations. It is just that with my brain on TeX (and ConTeXt) for the past few days, I thought that I would try to resolve them once and for all.
1. Fonts
I would like to specify separate mainfont and bodyfont using the simplefonts module (or some other consistent mechanism).
I have read the thread from:
and have tried to split up Wolfgang's suggestion into the two parts. I have tried:
\usemodule[simplefonts][size=18pt] \setmainfont[grandesignneueserif]
which gets me the title font, but not the body font.
The other approach:
\definetypeface[mainface][rm][serif][DejaVu Serif][default] \definetypeface[mainface][ss][sans][DejaVu Sans][default] \definetypeface[mainface][tt][mono][Inconsolata][default] \setupbodyfont[mainface]
also doesn't seem to work at all. I get what I believe to be Latin Modern Sans across the board.
I have resorted to using one of the default fonts via the module switch for now, but would like to customize the font selection to my taste.
I suggest to look into the manual for the simple slides module how to change fonts because the module has some control which font is used.
2. Margins
I have the following slide, where only the right margin is affected. I have tried variations on backspace, width and margin but haven't gotten the left margin to move.
\SlideTitle{An exception: Lotus Improv, an exceptional spreadsheet} \blank \setuplayout[quotation] \quotation{Pito Salas, a developer at ATG, decided to attack this problem. After a few months of studying existing real-world examples, it became clear that the data, views of that data, and the formulas that acted on that data were very separate concepts. Yet in every case, the existing spreadsheet programs required the user to type all of these items into the same (typically single) sheet's cells.} \par \setuplayout[reset] \startalignment[flushright] \blank[2*big] {\em Source: Wikipedia:Lotus Improv}
I am sure that it is something simple that I am missing here, but any guidance would be most appreciated.
You can’t use a customized layout to change the margins of a part of the page only, use the quotation environment or put the quotation in a narrower environment. Wolfgang

Dear Wolfgang, I have tried what I believe to be the two approaches you suggested for controlling the margins of a quotation: 1. Using the switches offered via \setupdelimitedtext in the \setupquotation command: \setupquotation[leftmargin=1.5in] \quotation{Pito Salas, a developer at ATG, decided to attack this problem. After a few months of studying existing real-world examples, it became clear that the data, views of that data, and the formulas that acted on that data were very separate concepts. Yet in every case, the existing spreadsheet programs required the user to type all of these items into the same (typically single) sheet's cells.} The result in this case is that neither margin is affected with any combination of leftmargin= and rightmargin=, either alone or in combination. 2. Creating an environment file env-myquotation.tex, which has as its contents: \startenvironment myquotation \setuplayout[leftmargin=1.5in,backspace=1.5in,rightmargin=1.5in] \stopenvironment ...and then the slide: \SlideTitle{An exception: Lotus Improv, an exceptional spreadsheet} \blank %\setupquotation[leftmargin=1.5in] {\environment env-myquotation.tex \quotation{Pito Salas, a developer at ATG, decided to attack this problem. After a few months of studying existing real-world examples, it became clear that the data, views of that data, and the formulas that acted on that data were very separate concepts. Yet in every case, the existing spreadsheet programs required the user to type all of these items into the same (typically single) sheet's cells.} } \par \startalignment[flushright] \blank[2*big] {\em Source: Wikipedia/Lotus Improv} \stopalignment In this case, the margins seem to work for the quotation, but, unfortunately, the title is also shifted by the leftmargin (but not the right margin as title width appears to remain the same; this title is longer than a single line), and the credit which I did not need brought in was also shifted in to the right margin of the environment. So am I limited in my control over margins within a slide do you think? Or is there another approach? Thanks. On 12-07-17 11:33 PM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
2. Margins
I have the following slide, where only the right margin is affected. I have tried variations on backspace, width and margin but haven't gotten the left margin to move.
\SlideTitle{An exception: Lotus Improv, an exceptional spreadsheet} \blank \setuplayout[quotation] \quotation{Pito Salas, a developer at ATG, decided to attack this problem. After a few months of studying existing real-world examples, it became clear that the data, views of that data, and the formulas that acted on that data were very separate concepts. Yet in every case, the existing spreadsheet programs required the user to type all of these items into the same (typically single) sheet's cells.} \par \setuplayout[reset] \startalignment[flushright] \blank[2*big] {\em Source: Wikipedia:Lotus Improv}
I am sure that it is something simple that I am missing here, but any guidance would be most appreciated.
You can’t use a customized layout to change the margins of a part of the page only, use the quotation environment or put the quotation in a narrower environment.
-- ----- - Pavneet Arora Waroc Fine Audio + Custom Home Cinema www.waroc.com 416.937.WAROC (9276)

Am 23.07.2012 um 23:21 schrieb Pavneet Arora:
Dear Wolfgang,
I have tried what I believe to be the two approaches you suggested for controlling the margins of a quotation:
1. Using the switches offered via \setupdelimitedtext in the \setupquotation command:
\setupquotation[leftmargin=1.5in] \quotation{Pito Salas, a developer at ATG, decided to attack this problem. After a few months of studying existing real-world examples, it became clear that the data, views of that data, and the formulas that acted on that data were very separate concepts. Yet in every case, the existing spreadsheet programs required the user to type all of these items into the same (typically single) sheet's cells.}
The result in this case is that neither margin is affected with any combination of leftmargin= and rightmargin=, either alone or in combination.
2. Creating an environment file env-myquotation.tex, which has as its contents:
\startenvironment myquotation \setuplayout[leftmargin=1.5in,backspace=1.5in,rightmargin=1.5in] \stopenvironment
...and then the slide:
\SlideTitle{An exception: Lotus Improv, an exceptional spreadsheet} \blank %\setupquotation[leftmargin=1.5in] {\environment env-myquotation.tex \quotation{Pito Salas, a developer at ATG, decided to attack this problem. After a few months of studying existing real-world examples, it became clear that the data, views of that data, and the formulas that acted on that data were very separate concepts. Yet in every case, the existing spreadsheet programs required the user to type all of these items into the same (typically single) sheet's cells.} } \par \startalignment[flushright] \blank[2*big] {\em Source: Wikipedia/Lotus Improv} \stopalignment
In this case, the margins seem to work for the quotation, but, unfortunately, the title is also shifted by the leftmargin (but not the right margin as title width appears to remain the same; this title is longer than a single line), and the credit which I did not need brought in was also shifted in to the right margin of the environment.
So am I limited in my control over margins within a slide do you think? Or is there another approach?
You’re doing to wrong, below you can see two different ways to have a quotation with margins. The first method uses the quotation environment where you can control the margin with the leftmargin and “rightmargin keys, the second method uses the quotation command which is put in a narrower environment to create the margins/offset. \showframe[text][text] \startbuffer Pito Salas, a developer at ATG, decided to attack this problem. After a few months of studying existing real-world examples, it became clear that the data, views of that data, and the formulas that acted on that data were very separate concepts. Yet in every case, the existing spreadsheet programs required the user to type all of these items into the same (typically single) sheet’s cells.% \stopbuffer \starttext \startquotation \getbuffer \stopquotation \setupdelimitedtext[quotation][leftmargin=3cm] \startquotation \getbuffer \stopquotation \quotation{\getbuffer} \startnarrower[3*middle] \quotation{\getbuffer} \stopnarrower \stoptext Wolfgang

Ah, I got it now! \quotation is quite different from \{start|stop}quotation. I was attempting to affect the changes using just \quotation{}, which has no (or in my case asymmetrical and strange) effects on the margins, at least within simpleslides. Now, I don't know whether there should be a difference in behaviour, but there definitely is. When I simply integrated your \setupdelimitedtext and \{start|stop}narrower into my existing slide presentation, there was no change. As I kept reducing the presentation there still was no change in behaviour until the only thing staring up at me was \quotation{}. Glad I chased this down even though it might have been painful for others to read of my bumbling about. It gives me another core piece for doing my presentations. Cheers. On 12-07-24 12:22 AM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
You’re doing to wrong, below you can see two different ways to have a quotation with margins. The first method uses the quotation environment where you can control the margin with the leftmargin and “rightmargin keys, the second method uses the quotation command which is put in a narrower environment to create the margins/offset.
\startbuffer Pito Salas, a developer at ATG, decided to attack this problem. After a few months of studying existing real-world examples, it became clear that the data, views of that data, and the formulas that acted on that data were very separate concepts. Yet in every case, the existing spreadsheet programs required the user to type all of these items into the same (typically single) sheet’s cells.% \stopbuffer
\startquotation \getbuffer \stopquotation
\startquotation \getbuffer \stopquotation
\startnarrower[3*middle] \quotation{\getbuffer} \stopnarrower
-- ----- - Pavneet Arora Waroc Fine Audio + Custom Home Cinema www.waroc.com 416.937.WAROC (9276)

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 12:51 PM, Pavneet Arora
Now, I don't know whether there should be a difference in behaviour, [between \quotation and \startquotation], but there definitely is.
This is deliberate: \quotation is for inline quotations, while \startquotation is for block quotations. Compare \math and \startmath. I completely understand that people have gotten into a habit of not looking up commands on the wiki; there was So Much Blankness on the command pages, so why bother? By now, though, we have reached the stage that looking up a basic command, at least, has a good chance of success. So perhaps people could slowly start looking at the wiki command reference again? The answer to quotation/startquotation, at least, was sitting right there. :-) http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/startquotation http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/quotation Cheers, Sietse Sietse Brouwer

Yes, indeed the information is there. What makes the wiki sometime impenetrable is that doing a search, even a Google search, with keyword based or topic based queries rather than command based queries leads to varying results. You know what you want to do; you just don't know which commands will lead you to the result. Also just to clarify, as is my habit, I did search the wiki, and in this case I had even looked repeatedly at the hints. I just didn't catch the distinction in my own coding. I guess the trick is to know what commands one should hone in on ;). Regards. On 12-07-24 07:44 AM, Sietse Brouwer wrote:
On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 12:51 PM, Pavneet Arora
wrote: Now, I don't know whether there should be a difference in behaviour, [between \quotation and \startquotation], but there definitely is.
This is deliberate: \quotation is for inline quotations, while \startquotation is for block quotations. Compare \math and \startmath.
I completely understand that people have gotten into a habit of not looking up commands on the wiki; there was So Much Blankness on the command pages, so why bother? By now, though, we have reached the stage that looking up a basic command, at least, has a good chance of success. So perhaps people could slowly start looking at the wiki command reference again? The answer to quotation/startquotation, at least, was sitting right there. :-)
http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/startquotation http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/quotation
Sietse Sietse Brouwer
-- ----- - Pavneet Arora Waroc Fine Audio + Custom Home Cinema www.waroc.com 416.937.WAROC (9276)

On 18-7-2012 02:41, Pavneet Arora wrote:
also doesn't seem to work at all. I get what I believe to be Latin Modern Sans across the board.
I have resorted to using one of the default fonts via the module switch for now, but would like to customize the font selection to my taste.
Just using (without any additional definitions): \setupbodyfont[dejavu,10pt] works, as there is a type-imp-dejavu typescript. Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | voip: 087 875 68 74 | www.pragma-ade.com | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------

Hans and Wolfgang, Thanks, as always, for the prompt replies. Does this mean that I need to focus on the typescript mechanism rather than simplefonts? Wolfgang, that was also the point I wanted to clarify since from my earlier reading of the manual's section on "Choosing on your own fonts", the example pointed to using typescripts. However, from the Aditya's posting I was encouraged that I could use (my) default method of relying on simplefonts. One last question stemming from the Jean-Luc Dumont's article on effective communications: is there a way to turn off the interaction bar in the slides. I am using the simple 'Shaded' style where the interaction bars are displayed as small circles along the bottom. Regards. On 12-07-18 03:42 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 18-7-2012 02:41, Pavneet Arora wrote:
also doesn't seem to work at all. I get what I believe to be Latin Modern Sans across the board.
I have resorted to using one of the default fonts via the module switch for now, but would like to customize the font selection to my taste.
Just using (without any additional definitions):
works, as there is a type-imp-dejavu typescript.
----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | voip: 087 875 68 74 | www.pragma-ade.com | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- ----- - Pavneet Arora Waroc Fine Audio + Custom Home Cinema www.waroc.com 416.937.WAROC (9276)

On 18-7-2012 13:23, Pavneet Arora wrote:
Hans and Wolfgang,
Thanks, as always, for the prompt replies. Does this mean that I need to focus on the typescript mechanism rather than simplefonts? Wolfgang, that was also the point I wanted to clarify since from my earlier reading of the manual's section on "Choosing on your own fonts", the example pointed to using typescripts. However, from the Aditya's posting I was encouraged that I could use (my) default method of relying on simplefonts.
it depends ... some fonts (those that ship with the distribution) have a typescript but for others (fonts that come with the os or that you buy) simplefonts is a better choice Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | voip: 087 875 68 74 | www.pragma-ade.com | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------

On Wed, 18 Jul 2012, Pavneet Arora wrote:
Thanks, as always, for the prompt replies. Does this mean that I need to focus on the typescript mechanism rather than simplefonts?
In principle both should work with simpleslides module though I never tested it with simplefonts.
Wolfgang, that was also the point I wanted to clarify since from my earlier reading of the manual's section on "Choosing on your own fonts", the example pointed to using typescripts. However, from the Aditya's posting I was encouraged that I could use (my) default method of relying on simplefonts.
ConTeXt comes with typescripts for lot of the commonly used fonts. Earlier, you had to use \usetypescript[dejavu] \setupbodyfont[dejavu] to use an existing typescript. Since a year or more now, the first line is not needed. You can just use \setupbodyfont[dejavu] and context will run \usetypescript[...] if a typescript is not already loaded.
One last question stemming from the Jean-Luc Dumont's article on effective communications: is there a way to turn off the interaction bar in the slides. I am using the simple 'Shaded' style where the interaction bars are displayed as small circles along the bottom.
The simpleslides module is not designed for configurability. Sorry. The best solution is to copy the Shaded style to another file and remove the code for the bottom bar. Thomas and I were working on a more extensible version of simpleslides, but haven't had the time to finish it. Aditya

On Tue, 17 Jul 2012, Pavneet Arora wrote:
Hello all,
I am here at TUG 2012 updating the presentation that I am to give in the morning.
I have had a couple of lingering questions regarding simpleslides that I thought I would put out there. They are not show stoppers, and I have lived with them in my other presentations. It is just that with my brain on TeX (and ConTeXt) for the past few days, I thought that I would try to resolve them once and for all.
1. Fonts
I would like to specify separate mainfont and bodyfont using the simplefonts module (or some other consistent mechanism).
I have read the thread from:
and have tried to split up Wolfgang's suggestion into the two parts. I have tried:
\usemodule[simplefonts][size=18pt] \setmainfont[grandesignneueserif]
With simplefonts, you do not need \setupbodyfont! The following example works fine on my old installation (2012.06.08) \usemodule[simpleslides][style=Shaded] \usemodule[simplefonts][size=\NormalSize] \setmainfont[DejaVu Serif] \setupTitle [title={Presentation Title}, author={Author}, date={Date / Occasion}] \starttext \placeTitle \SlideTitle{Test Slide} \input knuth \stoptext Aditya
participants (5)
Aditya Mahajan
Hans Hagen
Pavneet Arora
Sietse Brouwer
Wolfgang Schuster