Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt Package for Notepad++ v. 5.0.3

Alan Stone
Hi Idris,
Thanks a lot.
One question though...
I installed Npp, downloaded the context support package for Npp and extracted the zip file.
What/where are the setup instructions please ?
Best, Alan
Seems like Idris forgot to include the readme, incase it hasn't been attached check out the 1 November 2007 rev from your sure to find it there. Put everything in in the same folder you extracted (182 mb) then run NPP.bat. Make sure you adjust acrobat.lnk appriopriately as the path is hard-coded. And what OS are you using? Mohamed

Thanks Mohamed.
From the attached readme.txt :
--- 1. From the installer, you MAY not want to use the default destination folder, 'Notepad++'. texexec and company choke on directory names with characters like '+' in them. So you could change it to, eg, 'Notepadpp'. So if you plan on linking the ConTeXt utilities with the notepad installation directory somehow then you may want to change its name. However, in the following I assume that the directory name remains 'Notepad++' 2. You may also want to check the installation option, "Don't use %APPDATA%". Then all your configuration settings will be save in the installation directory. This is because, even if you rename the installation directory, the name of the local user application directory will still be 'Notepad++'. However, in what follows I assume that all configuration files are saved in \<username>\Application Data\Notepad++. --- Holy bananas, that's confusing... If "texexec and company choke on directory names with characters like '+' in them" why would one nevertheless "assume that the directory name remains 'Notepad++' " ? And, "even if you rename the installation directory, the name of the local user application directory will still be 'Notepad++" why would one choose to "not to use the default destination folder, 'Notepad++'." .. and "change it to, eg, 'Notepadpp' " ?
what OS are you using?
XP SP3 Home, Ubuntu 8.04
On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 5:00 PM,
Alan Stone
writes: Hi Idris, Thanks a lot. One question though... I installed Npp, downloaded the context support package for Npp and extracted the zip file. What/where are the setup instructions please ? Best, Alan
Seems like Idris forgot to include the readme, incase it hasn't been attached check out the 1 November 2007 rev from your sure to find it there.
Put everything in in the same folder you extracted (182 mb) then run NPP.bat. Make sure you adjust acrobat.lnk appriopriately as the path is hard-coded.
And what OS are you using?

Hi Alan,
On Fri, 22 Aug 2008 09:54:05 -0600, Alan Stone
If "texexec and company choke on directory names with characters like '+' in them" why would one nevertheless "assume that the directory name remains 'Notepad++' " ?
Because that's the default and I don't try to run tex files from the either Notepad++ directory. This is mainly a warning for the uninitiated, I learned the hard way ;-)
And, "even if you rename the installation directory, the name of the local user application directory will still be 'Notepad++" why would one choose to "not to use the default destination folder, 'Notepad++'." .. and "change it to, eg, 'Notepadpp' " ?
Presumably someone good at registry trickery, recompiling the source etc could rename that one too. Again, just providing info for those who can use it. I use the default. Best wishes Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Shi`i Studies Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523

On Fri, 22 Aug 2008 09:00:00 -0600,
Seems like Idris forgot to include the readme
thnx, i uploaded a new version with the updated readme. I'll polish it later. Best wishes Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Shi`i Studies Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523

Hi Idris, (1) FYI, Application also contains a 'Program Files' folder which has the same contents as 'Program' From readme.txt : (2) 9. Copy the directory Program Files\Notepad++ to Program Files Shouldn't it be "copy the *contents* of these (sub)directories to their corresponding C:\Program Files\Notepad++ (sub)directories" ? (3) 10. Copy the directory Application Data\Notepad++ to Application Data. To Windows XP's C:\Documents and Settings\(username)\Application Data or C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data ? Best, Alan On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 6:04 PM, Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد <> wrote:
On Fri, 22 Aug 2008 09:00:00 -0600,
wrote: Seems like Idris forgot to include the readme
thnx, i uploaded a new version with the updated readme. I'll polish it later.
Best wishes Idris
-- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Shi`i Studies Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523

On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 03:29:56 -0600, Alan Stone
(1) FYI, Application also contains a 'Program Files' folder which has the same contents as 'Program'
Strange; I'll correct it.
From readme.txt : (2) 9. Copy the directory Program Files\Notepad++ to Program Files Shouldn't it be "copy the *contents* of these (sub)directories to their corresponding C:\Program Files\Notepad++ (sub)directories" ?
Put another way: Drop "Program Files\Notepad++" onto "C:\Program Files"
(3) 10. Copy the directory Application Data\Notepad++ to Application Data. To Windows XP's C:\Documents and Settings\(username)\Application Data or C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data ?
See earlier in the readme: "in what follows I assume that all configuration files are saved in \<username>\Application Data\Notepad++" Thanks for the comments and Best wishes Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Shi`i Studies Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523

On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 5:23 PM, Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد <> wrote:
On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 03:29:56 -0600, Alan Stone
wrote: (1) FYI, Application also contains a 'Program Files' folder which has the same contents as 'Program'
Strange; I'll correct it.
From readme.txt : (2) 9. Copy the directory Program Files\Notepad++ to Program Files Shouldn't it be "copy the *contents* of these (sub)directories to their corresponding C:\Program Files\Notepad++ (sub)directories" ?
Put another way: Drop "Program Files\Notepad++" onto "C:\Program Files"
I somehow thought this operation would replace C:\Program\Notepad++ ... which isn't. Hey, I learned something new about how Windows works. :O)
(3) 10. Copy the directory Application Data\Notepad++ to Application Data. To Windows XP's C:\Documents and Settings\(username)\Application Data or C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data ?
See earlier in the readme: "in what follows I assume that all configuration files are saved in \<username>\Application Data\Notepad++"
Missed that one. Must have been speeding (reading).
Thanks for the comments and
You're welcome. Two other questions, if I may... (1) The folding feature behaves strangely. - Instead of folding it collapses everything what's underneath. - Once a folding section gets initiated from within the ConTeXt setup area ( at a \startsomething command ), it runs straight down to \stoptext instead of from every \startsomething to \stopsomething (2) Preferences -> "New Document" tab * Format: Windows - Unix - Mac -> are (*.tex) files between these OSs incompatible ? * Encoding: UTF 8, UTF 8 with BOM -> what must be selected for ConTeXt ? Looks like great editor nevertheless, much better than SciTE. Thanks again for the ConTeXt package. Best, Alan

On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 10:58:44 -0600, Alan Stone
* Encoding: UTF 8, UTF 8 with BOM -> what must be selected for ConTeXt ?
What must be selected for ConTeXt-MK IV ?
Either will work fine, since luatex always assumes utf-8 input. My own Npp setup defaults to utf-8 (with BOM) for new docs. Best wishes Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Shi`i Studies Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523

On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 10:56:03 -0600, Alan Stone
Two other questions, if I may...
(1) The folding feature behaves strangely.
- Instead of folding it collapses everything what's underneath.
- Once a folding section gets initiated from within the ConTeXt setup area ( at a \startsomething command ), it runs straight down to \stoptext instead of from every \startsomething to \stopsomething
There are different levels of folding, 0--8: Alt-0, Alt-1, .... Alt-8. Alt-0 collapses all, use Alt-Shift-<n> to uncollapse to the desired degree.
(2) Preferences -> "New Document" tab
* Format: Windows - Unix - Mac -> are (*.tex) files between these OSs incompatible ?
Should make absolutely no difference, since TeX looks for a blank line to mark paragraph breaks -- or a '\par' -- and does not care about linebreak conventions OTOH: Maybe support will be added for unicode parsep at some point...
* Encoding: UTF 8, UTF 8 with BOM -> what must be selected for ConTeXt ?
Either will work for mkiv. If you enable the utf-8 regime in mkii that should also work.
Looks like great editor nevertheless, much better than SciTE.Thanks again for the ConTeXt package.
You are welcome :-) Best wishes Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Shi`i Studies Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523

Thanks all.
There are different levels of folding, 0--8: Alt-0, Alt-1, .... Alt-8. Alt-0 collapses all, use Alt-Shift-<n> to uncollapse to the desired degree.
These work ok indeed. Nevertheless, the folding marks and foldings themselves run awkwardly in some tex files. Back to readme.txt : --- 2) Folding a) ... All \start-stops are foldable, and you can easily add your own in the User-Defined-Language dialog; just select "ConTeXt" and you can edit all entries. --- Strange... the "User Define Dialog" "User Language" drop down box has only one entry: "User Define Language". There is nothing else, no "ConTeXt" entry. Has this feature changed since Npp 4.2 ? Alan On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 9:03 PM, Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد <> wrote:
On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 10:56:03 -0600, Alan Stone
wrote: Two other questions, if I may...
(1) The folding feature behaves strangely.
- Instead of folding it collapses everything what's underneath.
- Once a folding section gets initiated from within the ConTeXt setup area ( at a \startsomething command ), it runs straight down to \stoptext instead of from every \startsomething to \stopsomething
There are different levels of folding, 0--8: Alt-0, Alt-1, .... Alt-8. Alt-0 collapses all, use Alt-Shift-<n> to uncollapse to the desired degree.
(2) Preferences -> "New Document" tab
* Format: Windows - Unix - Mac -> are (*.tex) files between these OSs incompatible ?
Should make absolutely no difference, since TeX looks for a blank line to mark paragraph breaks -- or a '\par' -- and does not care about linebreak conventions
OTOH: Maybe support will be added for unicode parsep at some point...
* Encoding: UTF 8, UTF 8 with BOM -> what must be selected for ConTeXt ?
Either will work for mkiv. If you enable the utf-8 regime in mkii that should also work.
Looks like great editor nevertheless, much better than SciTE.Thanks again for the ConTeXt package.
You are welcome :-)
Best wishes Idris
-- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Shi`i Studies Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523

On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 14:13:09 -0600, Alan Stone
There are different levels of folding, 0--8: Alt-0, Alt-1, .... Alt-8. Alt-0 collapses all, use Alt-Shift-<n> to uncollapse to the desired degree.
These work ok indeed. Nevertheless, the folding marks and foldings themselves run awkwardly in some tex files.
Are you using TeX or ConTeXt from the language menu?
Back to readme.txt :
--- 2) Folding
a) ... All \start-stops are foldable, and you can easily add your own in the User-Defined-Language dialog; just select "ConTeXt" and you can edit all entries. ---
Strange... the "User Define Dialog" "User Language" drop down box has only one entry: "User Define Language". There is nothing else, no "ConTeXt" entry.
I suspect that your userDefineLang.xml is not being recognized and that you are using the default TeX setup. Don't know why... Are you sure the package is installed correctly? Lookk for where Npp installs the original userDefineLang.xml, then overide it with mine. One thing I have noticed is that the default TeX language support in Npp is much better than in past versions. Folding is not so good, though. Note that Hans wrote the original TeX lexer for scite that Npp uses by default (with some modifications). So probably there has been some development of this lexer on the scite side of things. Best wishes Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Shi`i Studies Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523

Are you using TeX or ConTeXt from the language menu?
Didn't have ConTeXt in the language menu. I installed the ConTeXt package again and now it works ok. In order to enable people to verify whether their package installation is correct, it might be useful to add a screenshot of Npp with its dropped down modified Language menu. Best, Alan On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 11:47 PM, Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد <> wrote:
On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 14:13:09 -0600, Alan Stone
wrote: There are different levels of folding, 0--8: Alt-0, Alt-1, .... Alt-8. Alt-0 collapses all, use Alt-Shift-<n> to uncollapse to the desired degree.
These work ok indeed. Nevertheless, the folding marks and foldings themselves run awkwardly in some tex files.
Are you using TeX or ConTeXt from the language menu?
Back to readme.txt :
--- 2) Folding
a) ... All \start-stops are foldable, and you can easily add your own in the User-Defined-Language dialog; just select "ConTeXt" and you can edit all entries. ---
Strange... the "User Define Dialog" "User Language" drop down box has only one entry: "User Define Language". There is nothing else, no "ConTeXt" entry.
I suspect that your userDefineLang.xml is not being recognized and that you are using the default TeX setup. Don't know why... Are you sure the package is installed correctly? Lookk for where Npp installs the original userDefineLang.xml, then overide it with mine.
One thing I have noticed is that the default TeX language support in Npp is much better than in past versions. Folding is not so good, though.
Note that Hans wrote the original TeX lexer for scite that Npp uses by default (with some modifications). So probably there has been some development of this lexer on the scite side of things.
Best wishes Idris
-- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Shi`i Studies Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523
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Hi Idris, In the readme.txt you wrote... "13. A note: In Preferences, always leave the option "Remember the last operation directory" unchecked." What's the reason for this recommendation ? Thanks, Alan

On Sun, 24 Aug 2008 08:26:20 -0600, Alan Stone
In the readme.txt you wrote... "13. A note: In Preferences, always leave the option "Remember the last operation directory" unchecked." What's the reason for this recommendation ?
It used to be the case that Npp would always open in the %Appdata%/Notepad++ directory. Maybe that's been fixed. Just play with it and see what happens. Unchecked, it will open in the dir of the current file. Best wishes Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Shi`i Studies Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523

Alan Stone
Hi Idris, (1) FYI, Application also contains a 'Program Files' folder which has
the same contents as 'Program'
From readme.txt : (2) 9. Copy the directory Program Files\Notepad++ to Program Files Shouldn't it be "copy the *contents* of these (sub)directories to their corresponding C:\Program Files\Notepad++ (sub)directories" ? (3) 10. Copy the directory Application Data\Notepad++ to Application Data. To Windows XP's C:\Documents and Settings\(username)\Application Data or C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data ? Best, Alan
2) drag Notepad++ to Program Files, it'll prompt you to merge/override the files, select yes. The same applies for the rest of the top level folders. 3) typing %APPDATA% into the explorer or run command takes you to the folder you're looking for. Maybe someone should make a screencast :)
participants (4)
Alan Stone
Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي ح امد
Mohamed Bana