Floating table caption extends textwidth

Hi! I have problems creating a "multi-line" caption for a floating table. If the caption is too long it will extend the text width. The following example shows this problem on http://live.contextgarden.net/. I was able to find out, that this problem only appears if one of the variables "width" or "textwidth" in the "setuplayout" command were used to define the textwidth. Regards Michael EXAMPLE: -------------------------------------------- \setuplayout[ backspace=25mm, topspace=10mm, header=10mm, headerdistance=5mm, width=16cm, % <-- COMMENT THIS TO SEE THE EX WORK height=fit,footer=10mm, footerdistance=5mm, bottom=5mm] \starttext \placetable[here][tab:Referenz] {Zusammenfassung der Ereigniszahlen in Signal und Untergrund mit... erfülltem $z$-Cut und einem über den Massenschnitt identifizierten $\pi^0$. \nolist{Ereignisse werden in dem durch den $2 \sigma$-Massenschnitt vorgegebenen Intervall gezählt, das auch bei den endgültigen Schnitten zu Selektion verwendet wird.} } { \setupTABLE[x][1][width=4cm, align=middle] \setupTABLE[x][2,3,4,5][width=3cm, align=middle] \bTABLE \bTR \bTH Anzahl \eTH \bTH Daten \eTH \bTH MC \eTH \bTH Daten \eTH \bTH MC \eTH \eTR \eTABLE } \stoptext
participants (1)
Michael Fuchs