I was testing citation capability with a BibTeX db based on the
Context Garden bibliography page:
The example code using the xampl.bib from my distribution didn't work
at all. So I've tried to make a very small example, which results in
an in-text citation that says [[error 2]] and no citations listed in
the References section:
mtx-context | main context file:
mtx-context | current version: 2011.12.18 15:57
CTXBIBTEST.TEX (I've tried with and without the bibltx module, which
isn't found on my system)
"Oh No," he said \cite[lott].
author = "Chris Lott",
title = "FUBARed",
publisher = "NonExistent Press",
year = "2011",
address = "Timbuktu"
CTXBIBTEST.BBL (generated by ConTeXt):
\pubname{NonExistent Press}
CTXBIBTEST.AUX (generated by ConTeXt)
Chris Lott
On Sun 18 Dec 2011, Chris Lott wrote:
I was testing citation capability with a BibTeX db based on the Context Garden bibliography page: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Bibliography
The example code using the xampl.bib from my distribution didn't work at all. So I've tried to make a very small example, which results in an in-text citation that says [[error 2]] and no citations listed in the References section:
CONTEXT --VERSION mtx-context | main context file: /Users/chrislott/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/context.mkiv mtx-context | current version: 2011.12.18 15:57
CTXBIBTEST.TEX (I've tried with and without the bibltx module, which isn't found on my system) \usemodule[bib] \usemodule[bibltx] \setupbibtex[database=bibtest] \starttext "Oh No," he said \cite[lott]. \completepublications \stoptext
BIBTEST.BIB @book{lott, author = "Chris Lott", title = "FUBARed", publisher = "NonExistent Press", year = "2011", address = "Timbuktu" }
Looks as though it might be a bug in \completepublications, since I get correct output by changing your tex file to: \setupbibtex[database=bibtest] \starttext "Oh No," he said \cite[lott]. \chapter{Publications} \placepublications[criterium=text] \stoptext (MkIV, ConTeXt suite 2011.10.01 10:48 on Ubuntu 32-bit) If you're using MkIV, neither of the \usemodules should be necessary. Hope this helps, Pont
participants (2)
Chris Lott
Pontus Lurcock