Hi all, I have a new version of the letter module on my bitbucket site [1], you can download [2] and test it but it requires mkiv and is not completely downward compatible with the current version. Here is a short example to test it: \usemodule[cor-01] % will change %\setupletteroptions % [bodyfont=calluna] \setupletter [fromname={John Simmons}, fromaddress={Parkstreet 12\\8257 Green Bay}] \setupletter [toname={Steve Wilson}, toaddress={Nightstreet 4a\\9183 Cotton Village}] \setuplettertext [copy=cc: , enclosure=encl: ] \setupletter [copy=Copy, enclosure=Enclosure, postscript=Postscript] \startletter [opening={Dear Mr Wilson,}, subject={Brand new templates for Word}, closing={Best regards}, signature={John Simmons}] \dorecurse{4}{\input knuth\par} \stopletter [1] https://bitbucket.org/wolfs/correspondence/src [2] https://bitbucket.org/wolfs/correspondence/downloads Wolfgang
participants (1)
Wolfgang Schuster