Table placement with forced width

Hi all, I need a table that is 2/3 \pagewidth and placed against the right page margin. \SetTableToWidth{6in} \setuptables[split=repeat] \starttablehead \NC Description \NC Quantity \NC Units \NC Rate \NC Amount \NC \NR \HL \stoptablehead \starttabletail \NC \SL This ticket is not an invoice. Pay on receipt of invoice. \NC\FOUR \NC\NR \stoptabletail \placetable[right,5*line,split=repeat][tab:costs]{} \starttables[|l|c|c|c|r|] \NC 1 man unit \NC 4 \NC hr \NC 125.00 \NC 500.00 \NC \NR \NC Kilometre charges \NC 100 \NC km \NC .85 \NC 85.00 \NC \NR \NC Field Kit \NC 1 \NC day \NC 50.0 \NC 50.00 \NC \NR \HL \NC \bold{Total:} (all work performed on this ticket, before taxes) \NC\THREE \NC \$ 635.00 \NC \NR \stoptables The table flows into, and off the right margin area. What am I doing wrong? Also, \SetTableToWidth{.67\pagewidth} produces an error. Is there a way to specify a fraction of \pagewidth? Even though this example is short, the table may run to multiple pages and I need both headers and footers to repeat. I also need to eventually shade alternate row backgrounds. Is there a better table macro choice? -- david

I think the natural table works fine with your requirements. On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 01:31:09PM -0600, Design Department wrote:
Hi all,
I need a table that is 2/3 \pagewidth and placed against the right page margin.
\SetTableToWidth{6in} \setuptables[split=repeat] \starttablehead \NC Description \NC Quantity \NC Units \NC Rate \NC Amount \NC \NR \HL \stoptablehead \starttabletail \NC \SL This ticket is not an invoice. Pay on receipt of invoice. \NC\FOUR \NC\NR \stoptabletail
\placetable[right,5*line,split=repeat][tab:costs]{} \starttables[|l|c|c|c|r|] \NC 1 man unit \NC 4 \NC hr \NC 125.00 \NC 500.00 \NC \NR \NC Kilometre charges \NC 100 \NC km \NC .85 \NC 85.00 \NC \NR \NC Field Kit \NC 1 \NC day \NC 50.0 \NC 50.00 \NC \NR \HL \NC \bold{Total:} (all work performed on this ticket, before taxes) \NC\THREE \NC \$ 635.00 \NC \NR \stoptables
The table flows into, and off the right margin area. What am I doing wrong? Also, \SetTableToWidth{.67\pagewidth} produces an error. Is there a way to specify a fraction of \pagewidth?
Even though this example is short, the table may run to multiple pages and I need both headers and footers to repeat. I also need to eventually shade alternate row backgrounds. Is there a better table macro choice?
-- 卷137_28 【送丘健至州敕放作时任下邽县】储光羲 太史登观台,天街耀旄头。大君忽霆震,诏爵冠军侯。 南必梁孙源,西将圉昆丘。河陇征击卒,虎符到我州。 朝集咸林城,师言乱啁啾。杀气变木德,凛凛如高秋。 元戎启神皇,庙堂发嘉谋。息兵业稼穑,归马复休牛。 和风开阴雪,大耀中天流。欢声殷河岳,涵荡非烟浮。 邦牧新下车,德礼彼甿讴。乾坤日交泰,吾亦遂优游。

Am 13.04.2009 um 21:31 schrieb Design Department:
The table flows into, and off the right margin area. What am I doing wrong? Also, \SetTableToWidth{.67\pagewidth} produces an error. Is there a way to specify a fraction of \pagewidth?
No, because ConTeXt has no dimension with the name \pagewidth, you couls use \textwidth for the width of the textblock. Even then your setup is useless because your table is wider than 2/3 of the textwidth (it is even wider than the complete textblock). Wolfgang

No, because ConTeXt has no dimension with the name \pagewidth, you couls use \textwidth for the width of the textblock. Even then your setup is useless because your table is wider than 2/3 of the textwidth (it is even wider than the complete textblock). Thks. I must have been lost in space - I intended to use \paperwidth.
-- david
participants (3)
Bill Long
Design Department
Wolfgang Schuster