What is the error of that header lines?

Hi, Can someone help me? I'm a little bit crazy. I have this example (sorry, I tried to achieve more minimal version): %% Carregam símbols \usesymbols[eur] %% Capçaleres i peus \setupheadertexts[{\sc\rm Funcions (T2)}] \setupheadertexts[{\rm \sc CEPA Sud}][{\rm \sc ESPA 4. Quad. 1}] \setupfootertexts[{\rm \sc Pàgina \pagenumber\space de \lastpage\space - 13 de desembre de 2013}] \usemodule[tikz] % BUGGY things \definecolor[headingcolor][c=1,m=0.5431,y=0,k=0.5451] \setupfooter[text][style={\ss\tfx},color={headingcolor},before={\hrule}] \setupheader[text][style={\ss},color={headingcolor},after={\hrule}] % end of buggy things \starttext \startitemize[n] \item \input tufte.tex \input tufte.tex \input tufte.tex \input tufte.tex \item Cada matí, en Tomeu camina des de ca seva fins a la parada de l'autobús més pròxima (vegeu la figura~\in[fig:Tomeu-modificat]). El gràfic següent mostra aquest recorregut en un dia concret: \placefigure[here] [fig:Tomeu-modificat] {Recorregut del dia 13 de desembre de 2013} { \bTABLE[frame=off,align=middle,width=fit] \bTR[frame=off] \bTD \bgroup \framed[frame=off]{\starttikzpicture[scale=0.6] \draw[very thin,help lines, color=gray] (-0.1,-0.1) grid (12.2,10); \draw[->] (-0.2,0) -- (12.2,0); \draw (6, -1) node[anchor=north] {$\text{Temps transcorregut (segons)}$}; \draw[->] (0,-0.2) -- (0,10.2) node[above] {$\text{Distància a casa (metres)}$}; \foreach \x/\xtext in {1/10, 2/20, 3/30, 4/40, 5/50, 6/60, 7/70, 8/80, 9/90, 10/100, 11/110, 12/120} { \draw (\x, -0.1 cm) -- (\x, 0.1 cm); \draw (\x, 0 cm) node[anchor=north] {\small $\xtext$}; } \foreach \x/\xtext in {1/20, 2/40, 3/60, 4/80, 5/100, 6/120, 7/140, 8/160, 9/180, 10/200} { \draw (-0.1 cm, \x) -- (0.1 cm, \x); \draw (0, \x) node[anchor=east] {\small $\xtext$}; } \draw[color=blue, ultra thick] (0,0) -- (5,3) -- (7,1) -- (10,9) -- (12.2,9); \stoptikzpicture} \egroup \eTD \eTR \eTABLE} \startitemize[a,packed] \item Quines variables es representen en el gràfic? \item A quina distància (de ca seva) està la parada del bus? \item Quina escala s'utilitza per a cada variable? \item A quin tram del gràfic va més ràpid? A quin tram va més lent? \item Quina velocitat duu a cada tram? \item Emparella aquest gràfic amb la història que correspongui: \startitemize[A] \item \startframedtext En Tomeu camina lentament. Després d'una estona, se n'adona que li han caigut els guants i torna enrera per a agafar-los. En aquest punt, veu arribar l'autobús i corre ràpidament fins a la parada. \stopframedtext \stopitemize \stopitemize \item Elegiu una de les opcions següents: Ramírez Botella \stopitemize \stoptext When I compile it, I have extra blue lines after the picture, but if I remove this lines: \definecolor[headingcolor][c=1,m=0.5431,y=0,k=0.5451] \setupfooter[text][style={\ss\tfx},color={headingcolor},before={\hrule}] \setupheader[text][style={\ss},color={headingcolor},after={\hrule}] Then, all is ok. What is the error? Thanks a lot, Xan.

Am 21.12.2013 um 19:07 schrieb Xan
Can someone help me? I'm a little bit crazy. I have this example (sorry, I tried to achieve more minimal version):
The problem happens only when the tikzpicture is the first object at the begin of the page. \usemodule[tikz] \setupfootertexts[Footer] \setupfooter[color=blue] \starttext \dorecurse{3}{\input knuth\par} \page \starttikzpicture[scale=0.6] \draw (0,0) -- (0,1) node[above] {Y}; \stoptikzpicture \dorecurse{6}{\input knuth\par} \stoptext Wolfgang

Am 21.12.2013 um 19:07 schrieb Xan <dxpublica at telefonica.net>:
Can someone help me? I'm a little bit crazy. I have this example (sorry, I tried to achieve more minimal version):
The problem happens only when the tikzpicture is the first object at the begin of the page.
\dorecurse{3}{\input knuth\par}
\starttikzpicture[scale=0.6] \draw (0,0) -- (0,1) node[above] {Y}; \stoptikzpicture
\dorecurse{6}{\input knuth\par}
Thanks, Wolfgang for the triage. Thank you very much. Does this means that I discovered a bug? Can someone fix it? Regards, Xan.
participants (2)
Wolfgang Schuster