Endnotes and pagenumbering

I'm just learning ConTeXt, and am having a couple of problems with a document right now: 1. I'm try to set footnotes as endnotes at the end of every chapter, and have used \setupfootnotes[location=text, way=bychapter, conversion=numbers, rule=on] in my environment file, and use \placefootnotes at the end of the chapters. The endnotes are placed where I want, but there is no horizontal rule between the body text and the endnotes, and the numbering of the endnotes starts afresh with every new page in the chapter instead of being a continuous series. So I get endnotes numbered like 1,2,1,1,2,3,1,2.... instead of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8..... I've tried way=bypart and way=bytext and location=page in the setups, and it didn't affect the endnote typesetting at all. How to fix...? 2. I have been requested to get rid of all blank pages in the final pdf file, but keep the doublesided layout and numbering. Currently the page number is placed on the outside top margin. Putting alternative=singlesided in the pagenumbering setup gets rid of the blank pages but also will put every other page number on the inside when printed duplex. So is there a way to set no blank pages but still have doublesided pagenumbering within ConTeXt, or will I have to do some post processing of the output file? Regards, -- Larry Stamm http://www.larrystamm.com

Larry Stamm
2. I have been requested to get rid of all blank pages in the > final pdf file, but keep the doublesided layout and numbering.
The blank pages I was referring to are the ones inserted after a chapter ending to make the next chapter start on the recto page. I have fixed this by using \setuphead[page=yes] . The use of the variable "yes" in that setting confused me a bit, so I didn't think to try it at first. I'm still looking for a solution to the endnote numbering problem,though. Regards, -- Larry Stamm http://www.larrystamm.com

"Larry Stamm"
I have fixed this by using \setuphead[page=yes] . The use of the variable "yes" in that setting confused me a bit, so I didn't think to try it at first.
You know it now, but anyway: the page=yes tells ConTeXt "please begin on a new page", page=right means "new page, but it must be odd".
I'm still looking for a solution to the endnote numbering problem,though.
Can't help you here, sorry. Patrick -- Silent is the goldfish in its bowl
participants (2)
Larry Stamm
Patrick Gundlach