\placeformula and $$ doesn't work anymore

Hi all, for some weeks I need to tex formulas again and tried the way I used to do it: \placeformula $$ f(t)={1\over2\pi}\int_0^\infty e^{i(\omega t-kx)} dx $$ It didn't work anymore?!? It doesn't place a number nor does it do the spacing properly. It does work the "context" way using \placeformula \startformula f(t)={1\over2\pi}\int_0^\infty e^{i(\omega t-kx)} dx \stopformula but to be honest that's quit a lot to type. "$$" is just nice and short and all the old documents I wrote wont work anymore... I run This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.30.4-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.5) (format=cont-en 2006. 12.4) 4 DEC 2006 21:46 ... ConTeXt ver: 2006.11.29 09:55 MK II fmt: 2006.12.4 int: english/english I would be very glad for some hints. Many thanks in advance. Hubertus

On Mon, 4 Dec 2006, Hubertus Schmidt wrote:
Hi all, for some weeks I need to tex formulas again and tried the way I used to do it:
\placeformula $$ f(t)={1\over2\pi}\int_0^\infty e^{i(\omega t-kx)} dx $$
It didn't work anymore?!? It doesn't place a number nor does it do the spacing properly. It does work the "context" way using
\placeformula \startformula f(t)={1\over2\pi}\int_0^\infty e^{i(\omega t-kx)} dx \stopformula
This is a bug in doplaceformula. I do not know how to avoid it, but the next code illustrates what is happening. \def\dotest{ \def\nextnext{$}% \ifx\next\nextnext Inside dispplaceformula\ldots % This always fails \else Inside dodoplaceformula\ldots \fi} \def\test{\futurelet\next\dotest} \test$$A = B$$ This prints "Inside dodoplaceformula" even though the next character is \$. So, the \next=\nextnext branch never matches. I do not know why this happens, but a more robust check is needed in doplaceformula. Aditya

On Tue, 5 Dec 2006, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Mon, 4 Dec 2006, Hubertus Schmidt wrote:
Hi all, for some weeks I need to tex formulas again and tried the way I used to do it:
\placeformula $$ f(t)={1\over2\pi}\int_0^\infty e^{i(\omega t-kx)} dx $$
It didn't work anymore?!? It doesn't place a number nor does it do the spacing properly. It does work the "context" way using
\placeformula \startformula f(t)={1\over2\pi}\int_0^\infty e^{i(\omega t-kx)} dx \stopformula
This is a bug in doplaceformula. I do not know how to avoid it, but the next code illustrates what is happening.
\def\dotest{ \def\nextnext{$}% \ifx\next\nextnext Inside dispplaceformula\ldots % This always fails \else Inside dodoplaceformula\ldots \fi}
\test$$A = B$$
This prints "Inside dodoplaceformula" even though the next character is \$.
So, the \next=\nextnext branch never matches. I do not know why this happens, but a more robust check is needed in doplaceformula.
\ifcat seems to be working, but I do not really know how robust this is? \unprotect \def\doplaceformula[#1][#2]% #2 = dummy, gobbles spaces {\def\redoplaceformula {\bgroup \ifx\next\bgroup \egroup \@EA\moreplaceformula % [ref]{} \else % \def\nextnext{$}% % \ifx\next\nextnext \ifcat\next$% \egroup \@EAEAEA\dispplaceformula % [ref]$$ \else \egroup \@EAEAEA\dodoplaceformula % [ref]\start \fi \fi[#1]{}}% \futurelet\next\redoplaceformula} \long\def\moreplaceformula[#1]#2#3#4% #2 dummy #4 gobbles spaces {\def\redoplaceformula {\bgroup % \def\nextnext{$}% % \ifx\next\nextnext \ifcat\next$% \egroup \@EA\dispplaceformula % [ref]$$ \else \egroup \@EA\dodoplaceformula % [ref]\start \fi [#1]{#3}}% \futurelet\next\redoplaceformula#4} \protect \starttext \placeformula[eq:test] $$A = B$$ \stoptext Aditya

Aditya Mahajan wrote:
This is a bug in doplaceformula. I do not know how to avoid it, but the next code illustrates what is happening.
\def\dotest{ \def\nextnext{$}% \ifx\next\nextnext Inside dispplaceformula\ldots % This always fails \else Inside dodoplaceformula\ldots \fi}
\test$$A = B$$
This prints "Inside dodoplaceformula" even though the next character is \$.
So, the \next=\nextnext branch never matches. I do not know why this happens, but a more robust check is needed in doplaceformula.
One is a macro, the other a \let character. This would work: \def\dotest{ \let\nextnext=$ \ifx\next\nextnext Inside dispplaceformula\ldots % This always fails \else Inside dodoplaceformula\ldots \fi} but the \ifcat is file as well, I think Taco

Hello again, I've been offline for the last week, so I could'nd write. Thanks for your answers! Well my problem is, that I'm just some kind of ordinary user. I've no clue about tex. I've had a look into the conre-mat.tex and tried to compare it with your posts. But, alas, no success. Is this a bug which is going to be fixed, or do I have to do it myself? If that is the case, please give me more detailed informations about what I have to do. Have a good weekend Hubertus

Hubertus wrote:
Hello again, I've been offline for the last week, so I could'nd write. Thanks for your answers! Well my problem is, that I'm just some kind of ordinary user. I've no clue about tex. I've had a look into the conre-mat.tex and tried to compare it with your posts. But, alas, no success. Is this a bug which is going to be fixed, or do I have to do it myself? If that
Either Aditya's or my fix should be in the next release (next week?). Taco

On Sat, 16 Dec 2006, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Hubertus wrote:
Hello again, I've been offline for the last week, so I could'nd write. Thanks for your answers! Well my problem is, that I'm just some kind of ordinary user. I've no clue about tex. I've had a look into the conre-mat.tex and tried to compare it with your posts. But, alas, no success. Is this a bug which is going to be fixed, or do I have to do it myself? If that
Either Aditya's or my fix should be in the next release (next week?).
The current release fixes the problem. Aditya
participants (4)
Aditya Mahajan
Hubertus Schmidt
Taco Hoekwater