Hello, I have just installed a fresh Standalone and t-pocketdiary, and compilation of the example file (from PocketDiary's docs) results in an error. (Below I enclose the source and log files.) What is going wrong? TIA ================ tex file \usemodule[pocketdiary] % Setup the bodyfont \setupbodyfont[palatino,rm,9pt] % Setup the language used: en, de, nl, it, fr interface is available \mainlanguage[en] % Setup the variables for the calculations \setvariables [PocketDiary] [Year=2011, Week=16, Day=5, Month=4, Nextyear=yes] % Setup the personal organizer: \setvariables [PocketDiaryLayout] [Page1=Lost-Returnto, Page2=Week, Page3=Day, Page4=Weeknext, Page5=Monthcurrent, Page6=Yearcalendar, Page7=Caro, Page8=Contact] % Setup variables with personal information \setvariables [PocketDiaryAddress] [Familyname=Yourfamiliname, Forename=Yourname, Street=Yourstreet xx Zipcode=Yourzip City=Yourcity, Country=Yourcountry Phone=+Yourphonenumber Mobile=+Yourmobilenumber, E-mail=Your-e-mail, Web=Yourwebsite] % Setup your personal footer \setvariables [PocketDiaryFooter] [Lefttext=PocketDiary, Centertext=\pagenumber, Righttext={\getvariable{PocketDiaryAddress}{Forename},{\currentdate[year]}}] % Setup your favorite colors \setvariables [PocketDiaryColors] [Separatorline=blue, Gridline={s=.75}] % Do the typesetting \starttext \setups{PocketDiary} \stoptext ================ end tex file ================ log file (/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/cont-yes.mkiv ConTeXt ver: 2012.09.21 20:58 MKIV fmt: 2012.9.22 int: english/english system > cont-new.mkiv loaded (/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv ) fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language en is active (2012-09-22.tex resolvers > modules > loaded: 'pocketdiary' (/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-modules/tex/context/third/pocketdiary/t-pocketdiary.tex<+ /home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-modules/tex/context/third/pocketdiary/t-calendar.lua> loading > ConTeXt User Module / PocketDiary (/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/symb-imp-mvs.mkiv) fonts > symbols > loaded: library 'mvs' colors > rgb color space is supported colors > cmyk color space is supported ) fonts > typescripts > unknown: library 'loc' (/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-imp-texgyre.mkiv){/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-context/fonts/map/pdftex/context/mkiv-px.map} fonts > virtual math > the mapping is incomplete for 'pxmath' at 5pt {/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-context/fonts/map/pdftex/context/mkiv-base.map} % begin of command line arguments % % script = true % fulljobname = ./2012-09-22.tex % input = ./2012-09-22.tex % no-parse-first-line = true % kindofrun = 1 % currentrun = 1 % % end of command line arguments % begin of command line files % % 1 ./2012-09-22.tex % % end of command line files (virtual://buffer.Lost-Returnto.1) backend > xmp > using file '/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/lpdf-pdx.xml' system > 1.1 arranged at 1 (virtual://buffer.Week.2 ! Missing number, treated as zero. system > tex > error on line 147 in file virtual://buffer.Week.2: Missing number, treated as zero ... <empty file> <to be read again> \353>2:2 <argument> ...n \tabl_ntb_get_aut \c_tabl_ntb_col \relax \ifdim \localwidth ... \secondoftwoarguments #1#2->#2 \tabl_ntb_cell_process ...\tabl_tnb_cell_finalize }}\scratchdimen \tabl_ntb_... <inserted text> ...column_next \tabl_ntb_pass 6 2 \tabl_ntb_column_next \tab... \tabl_ntb_flush_content ...p \cr \the \t_tabl_ntb \dostoptagged \egroup \dos... ... l.13 ...y}{Week}}{\getvariable{PocketDiary}{Year}} ? x system > files > start used files used files > 1: filename=cont-yes.mkiv | filetype=tex | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/cont-yes.mkiv | usedmethod=database used files > 2: filename=cont-new.mkiv | filetype=tex | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv | usedmethod=database used files > 3: filename=lang-us.lua | filetype=lua | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/patterns/lang-us.lua | usedmethod=database used files > 4: filename=2012-09-22.tex | foundname=2012-09-22.tex | usedmethod=direct used files > 5: filename=t-pocketdiary.tex | filetype=tex | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-modules/tex/context/third/pocketdiary/t-pocketdiary.tex | usedmethod=database used files > 6: filename=t-pocketdiary.tex | filetype=tex | format=tex | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-modules/tex/context/third/pocketdiary/t-pocketdiary.tex | usedmethod=database used files > 7: filename=home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-modules/tex/context/third/pocketdiary/t-pocketdiary.tex | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-modules/tex/context/third/pocketdiary/t-pocketdiary.tex | usedmethod=qualified used files > 8: filename=t-calendar.lua | filetype=tex | format=tex | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-modules/tex/context/third/pocketdiary/t-calendar.lua | usedmethod=database used files > 9: filename=symb-imp-mvs.mkiv | filetype=tex | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/symb-imp-mvs.mkiv | usedmethod=database used files > 10: filename=lang-nl.lua | filetype=lua | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/patterns/lang-nl.lua | usedmethod=database used files > 11: filename=type-imp-texgyre.mkiv | filetype=tex | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-imp-texgyre.mkiv | usedmethod=database used files > 12: filename=lm.lfg | filetype=tex | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/fonts/lm.lfg | usedmethod=database used files > 13: filename=px-math.lfg | filetype=tex | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/fonts/px-math.lfg | usedmethod=database used files > 14: filename=mkiv-px.map | filetype=map | format=map | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-context/fonts/map/pdftex/context/mkiv-px.map | usedmethod=database used files > 15: filename=texgyrepagella-regular | filetype=otf | format=otf | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf/fonts/opentype/public/tex-gyre/texgyrepagella-regular.otf | usedmethod=database used files > 16: filename=texgyrepagella-regular.otf | filetype=otf | format=otf | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf/fonts/opentype/public/tex-gyre/texgyrepagella-regular.otf | usedmethod=database used files > 17: filename=rpxr.tfm | filetype=tfm | format=tfm | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/pxfonts/rpxr.tfm | usedmethod=database used files > 18: filename=rpxmi.tfm | filetype=tfm | format=tfm | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/pxfonts/rpxmi.tfm | usedmethod=database used files > 19: filename=rpxpplri.tfm | filetype=tfm | format=tfm | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/pxfonts/rpxpplri.tfm | usedmethod=database used files > 20: filename=pxsy.tfm | filetype=tfm | format=tfm | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/pxfonts/pxsy.tfm | usedmethod=database used files > 21: filename=pxex.tfm | filetype=tfm | format=tfm | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/pxfonts/pxex.tfm | usedmethod=database used files > 22: filename=pxsya.tfm | filetype=tfm | format=tfm | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/pxfonts/pxsya.tfm | usedmethod=database used files > 23: filename=pxsyb.tfm | filetype=tfm | format=tfm | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/pxfonts/pxsyb.tfm | usedmethod=database used files > 24: filename=texgyrepagella-bold.otf | filetype=otf | format=otf | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf/fonts/opentype/public/tex-gyre/texgyrepagella-bold.otf | usedmethod=database used files > 25: filename=texgyrepagella-bolditalic.otf | filetype=otf | format=otf | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf/fonts/opentype/public/tex-gyre/texgyrepagella-bolditalic.otf | usedmethod=database used files > 26: filename=lmsans10-regular.otf | filetype=otf | format=otf | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf/fonts/opentype/public/lm/lmsans10-regular.otf | usedmethod=database used files > 27: filename=lmmono10-regular.otf | filetype=otf | format=otf | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf/fonts/opentype/public/lm/lmmono10-regular.otf | usedmethod=database used files > 28: filename=mkiv-base.map | filetype=map | format=map | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-context/fonts/map/pdftex/context/mkiv-base.map | usedmethod=database used files > 29: filename=lpdf-pdx.xml | filetype=tex | foundname=/home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/lpdf-pdx.xml | usedmethod=database system > files > stop used files system > structure > start used structure used structure > text: 2012-09-22 system > structure > stop used structure mkiv lua stats > used config file - selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c/texmfcnf.lua mkiv lua stats > used cache path - /home/marcin/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e mkiv lua stats > resource resolver - loadtime 0.102 seconds, 1 scans with scantime 0.008 seconds, 6 shared scans, 29 found files, scanned paths: /home/marcin/texmf mkiv lua stats > stored bytecode data - 312 modules (0.710 sec), 66 tables (0.020 sec), 378 chunks (0.730 sec) mkiv lua stats > cleaned up reserved nodes - 44 nodes, 12 lists of 442 mkiv lua stats > node memory usage - 12 hlist, 37 glue, 23 kern, 11 penalty, 22 unset, 9 glyph, 4 align_record, 1 span, 143 attribute, 39 glue_spec, 45 attribute_list, 8 temp, 1 align_stack, 1 if_stack, 1 local_par, 4 dir mkiv lua stats > node list callback tasks - 6 unique task lists, 5 instances (re)created, 177 calls mkiv lua stats > used backend - pdf (backend for directly generating pdf output) mkiv lua stats > loaded tex modules - 1 requested, 1 found (*-pocketdiary), 0 missing mkiv lua stats > loaded patterns - en::2 nl::1 mkiv lua stats > jobdata time - nothing saved, 0.004 seconds loading mkiv lua stats > callbacks - 983 direct, 2080 indirect, 3063 total mkiv lua stats > randomizer - resumed with value 0.078700544814905 mkiv lua stats > lxml preparation time - 0.000 seconds, 0 nodes, 3 lpath calls, 0 cached calls mkiv lua stats > result saved in file - 2012-09-22.pdf, compresslevel 3, objectcompreslevel 3 mkiv lua stats > loaded fonts - 12 files: lmmono10-regular.otf lmsans10-regular.otf texgyrepagella-bold.otf texgyrepagella-bolditalic.otf texgyrepagella-regular.otf pxex.tfm pxsy.tfm pxsya.tfm pxsyb.tfm rpxmi.tfm rpxpplri.tfm rpxr.tfm mkiv lua stats > fonts load time - 1.060 seconds mkiv lua stats > running on path - /home/marcin/Dokumenty/marcin/rozne/pocketdiary mkiv lua stats > job file properties - jobname: 2012-09-22.tex, input: 2012-09-22.tex, suffix: tex mkiv lua stats > luatex banner - this is luatex, version beta-0.70.1-2012052416 (rev 4277) mkiv lua stats > control sequences - 36504 of 65536 + 100000 mkiv lua stats > current memory usage - 25 MB (ctx: 26 MB) mkiv lua stats > runtime - 4.719 seconds, 1 processed pages, 1 shipped pages, 0.212 pages/second ================ end log file -- Marcin Borkowski http://mbork.pl

Am 22.09.2012 um 16:30 schrieb Marcin Borkowski
I have just installed a fresh Standalone and t-pocketdiary, and compilation of the example file (from PocketDiary's docs) results in an error. (Below I enclose the source and log files.) What is going wrong?
It’s a bug in the pocketdiayry code when the \color command is used. This snippet from the code shows two problems. context.bTD({style="red"})context(d) context("~") context.labeltext(n) context("~\\color[black]") context.labeltext(f) context.eTD() 1. The color for the table cell is set with “style=red” but the correct setting is “color=red”. Even though it’s wrong the output is correct because context has a \red command which colors the content of the current group red. 2. The \color command takes a argument, e.g. \color[<colorname>]{<text>} but here it’s used like a color switch (e.g. \red) which is active till the end of the group. Changing this will make the error message disappear. Wolfgang

Dnia 2012-09-23, o godz. 10:42:08
Wolfgang Schuster
It’s a bug in the pocketdiayry code when the \color command is used.
This snippet from the code shows two problems.
context.bTD({style="red"})context(d) context("~") context.labeltext(n) context("~\\color[black]") context.labeltext(f) context.eTD()
1. The color for the table cell is set with “style=red” but the correct setting is “color=red”. Even though it’s wrong the output is correct because context has a \red command which colors the content of the current group red.
2. The \color command takes a argument, e.g. \color[<colorname>]{<text>} but here it’s used like a color switch (e.g. \red) which is active till the end of the group. Changing this will make the error message disappear.
Thanks a lot! I changed the above line to context.bTD({color="red"})context(d) context("~") context.labeltext(n) context("~\\color[black]{") context.labeltext(f) context("}") context.eTD() and it seems to work. May I ask for changing it in the "official" source, too?
Best, -- Marcin Borkowski http://mbork.pl

Am 24.09.2012 um 15:21 schrieb Marcin Borkowski
Dnia 2012-09-23, o godz. 10:42:08 Wolfgang Schuster
napisał(a): It’s a bug in the pocketdiayry code when the \color command is used.
This snippet from the code shows two problems.
context.bTD({style="red"})context(d) context("~") context.labeltext(n) context("~\\color[black]") context.labeltext(f) context.eTD()
1. The color for the table cell is set with “style=red” but the correct setting is “color=red”. Even though it’s wrong the output is correct because context has a \red command which colors the content of the current group red.
2. The \color command takes a argument, e.g. \color[<colorname>]{<text>} but here it’s used like a color switch (e.g. \red) which is active till the end of the group. Changing this will make the error message disappear.
Thanks a lot!
I changed the above line to
context.bTD({color="red"})context(d) context("~") context.labeltext(n) context("~\\color[black]{") context.labeltext(f) context("}") context.eTD()
and it seems to work. May I ask for changing it in the "official" source, too?
I would go with context.color( {"black"}, function() context.labeltext(f) end ) or another method which is described in the CLD manual. Wolfgang
participants (2)
Marcin Borkowski
Wolfgang Schuster