Need help defining command.

HI All, I remember seeing some seeing what I want to do but I can not find it. I would like to define a command that takes an optional key-valued list and 1 or 2 manditory ones. Something like \unexanded\def\MyCommand[#1]#2% {% \NassiGroupFrame[#1]{#2}% }% or \unexanded\def\MyCommand[#1]#2% {% % extract keyvalue \NassiGroupFrame[\width=\extractedvalueone]{hbox to \extractvaletwo{#2}}% }% where \NassiGroupFrame is a Frame. To give you an idea why I need this see the MWE below. This is a relatively simple example, there will be more complicated frames and they will be nested. Maybe I am chasing windmills and there is a better way and I should use cld or lua for outputing the Frames so that I can have spacing between the command and avoid having to use "%" after the first opening "{". Or does someone know how it can be done. Is there a way to use ConTeXt to write the command Pointers, help welcome. MWE: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% NassiSimpleFrameBox %% %% Draw a box around a frame using exact height %% and width. to use it use overlay NassiSimpleFrameBox %% \startuniqueMPgraphic{NassiSimpleFrameBox} pickup pencircle scaled \overlaylinewidth ; draw (0,0) -- (0, OverlayHeight) -- (OverlayWidth, OverlayHeight) -- (OverlayWidth, 0) -- cycle withcolor OverlayLineColor; \stopuniqueMPgraphic %% Define Overlay for NassiSimpleFrameBox %% \defineoverlay[NassiSimpleFrameBox][\uniqueMPgraphic{NassiSimpleFrameBox}] %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% NassiGroupFrameBox %% %% Draw a box around a frame which contains several %% structures. Since the frame size containing the structures %% has a \rulethickness frame around then we have to adjust %% so that we can draw on top of its bounding box %% \startuniqueMPgraphic{NassiGroupFrameBox} numeric DoubleLineWidth, TrueWidth, TrueHeight; DoubleLineWidth := 2 * OverlayLineWidth; TrueHeight := OverlayHeight - DoubleLineWidth; TrueWidth := OverlayWidth - DoubleLineWidth; pickup pencircle scaled OverlayLineWidth; draw (0,0) -- (0, TrueHeight) -- (TrueWidth, TrueHeight) -- (TrueWidth, 0) -- cycle withcolor OverlayLineColor; \stopuniqueMPgraphic \defineoverlay[NassiGroupFrameBox][\uniqueMPgraphic{NassiGroupFrameBox}] %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% NassiSimpleFrame %% %% Frame for putting a frame around it. %% Location is set so that they can be stack %% on top of each other. \defineframed[NassiSimpleFrame] \setupframed[NassiSimpleFrame] [width=5cm, frame=off, background=NassiSimpleFrameBox, rulethickness=1pt, framecolor=blue, offset=0pt, frameoffset=0pt, location=lohi] %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% NassiGroupFrame %% %% Frame for putting a frame around a block of %% structures. Since it surrounds a group we use %% fit for Height and Width. %% So that the The frame gets draw on top that the %% the background has to be setup accordingly. \defineframed[NassiGroupFrame] \setupframed[NassiGroupFrame] [width=fit, height=fit, frame=off, rulethickness=3pt, framecolor=green, offset=0pt, background={foreground, NassiGroupFrameBox}, frameoffset=0pt, align=middle, strut=no] %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%% %% Frame a Statement %% The text inside the frame is adjust to %% leave room for the frame \unexpanded\def\Statement#1% {% \NassiSimpleFrame[width=5cm,framecolor=red]{\vbox{\hsize \dimexpr\framedparameter{width} * 9/10\relax \strut #1}}% }% \unexpanded\def\MyGroup#1% {% \NassiGroupFrame{\hbox to 10cm% {#1}} }% \unexpanded\def\MyBlock#1% {% \vtop{{\hsize 5cm#1}}% }% \starttext \NassiGroupFrame{% \vbox{\hsize 5cm% \Statement{This is a test This is a test This is a test This is a test This is a test This is a test} \Statement{This $is^a$ test } \Statement{This $is^a$ test This is a test This is a test This is a test This is a test This is a test} }} \MyGroup{% How do I avoid comment here \MyBlock{ \Statement{This is a test This is a test This is a test This is a test This is a test This is a test} \Statement{This $is^a$ test } }% How do I avoid comment here \MyBlock{\Statement{This is a test This is a test This is a test This is a test This is a test This is a test} } } \stoptext regards Keith.

Am 22.10.2013 um 10:34 schrieb Keith J. Schultz
HI All,
I remember seeing some seeing what I want to do but I can not find it.
I would like to define a command that takes an optional key-valued list and 1 or 2 manditory ones.
Something like
\unexanded\def\MyCommand[#1]#2% {% \NassiGroupFrame[#1]{#2}% }%
\unexanded\def\MyCommand {\dosingleempty\doMyCommand} \def\doMyCommand[#1]#2% {\NassiGroupFrame[#1]{#2}}
\unexanded\def\MyCommand[#1]#2% {% % extract keyvalue \NassiGroupFrame[\width=\extractedvalueone]{hbox to \extractvaletwo{#2}}% }%
\unexanded\def\MyCommand {\dosingleempty\doMyCommand} \def\doMyCommand[#1]#2% {\begingroup \getdummyparameters[valueone=6cm,valuetwo=5cm,#1] \NassiGroupFrame[width=\dummyparameter{valueone}]{\hbox to \dummyparameter{valuetwo}{#2}}% \endgroup} \MyCommand[valuetwo=4cm]{...}
where \NassiGroupFrame is a Frame.
To give you an idea why I need this see the MWE below. This is a relatively simple example, there will be more complicated frames and they will be nested.
Maybe I am chasing windmills and there is a better way and I should use cld or lua for outputing the Frames so that I can have spacing between the command and avoid having to use "%" after the first opening "{". Or does someone know how it can be done. Is there a way to use ConTeXt to write the command
There are ways to ignore the spaces at the begin (\ignorespaces) and end (\removeunwantedspaces) of a group but you should rethink first your interface for your commands (why no start/stop commands). It can be also useful to draw the whole diagram with Metapost and use the TeX commands only to pass the content to Metapost. Wolfgang

Hi Wolfgang,
to be honest one of my design considerations was to this work using MetaPost.
But, my knowledge of MetaPost is minimal and it would be involved calculating the positions
of the Frames/boxes and I need to know the sizes of the formatted text, etc
Another approach would be to use layer, but I can not find much documentation about how/if
they can be used inside of a frame.
Am 22.10.2013 um 11:31 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster
There are ways to ignore the spaces at the begin (\ignorespaces) and end (\removeunwantedspaces) of a group but you should rethink first your interface for your commands (why no start/stop commands).
It can be also useful to draw the whole diagram with Metapost and use the TeX commands only to pass the content to Metapost.

Hi Wolfgang,
Am 22.10.2013 um 11:31 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster
Am 22.10.2013 um 10:34 schrieb Keith J. Schultz
: HI All,
I remember seeing some seeing what I want to do but I can not find it.
I would like to define a command that takes an optional key-valued list and 1 or 2 manditory ones.
Something like
\unexanded\def\MyCommand[#1]#2% {% \NassiGroupFrame[#1]{#2}% }%
\unexanded\def\MyCommand {\dosingleempty\doMyCommand}
\def\doMyCommand[#1]#2% {\NassiGroupFrame[#1]{#2}}
\unexanded\def\MyCommand[#1]#2% {% % extract keyvalue \NassiGroupFrame[\width=\extractedvalueone]{hbox to \extractvaletwo{#2}}% }%
\unexanded\def\MyCommand {\dosingleempty\doMyCommand}
\def\doMyCommand[#1]#2% {\begingroup \getdummyparameters[valueone=6cm,valuetwo=5cm,#1] \NassiGroupFrame[width=\dummyparameter{valueone}]{\hbox to \dummyparameter{valuetwo}{#2}}% \endgroup}
where \NassiGroupFrame is a Frame.
To give you an idea why I need this see the MWE below. This is a relatively simple example, there will be more complicated frames and they will be nested.
Maybe I am chasing windmills and there is a better way and I should use cld or lua for outputing the Frames so that I can have spacing between the command and avoid having to use "%" after the first opening "{". Or does someone know how it can be done. Is there a way to use ConTeXt to write the command
There are ways to ignore the spaces at the begin (\ignorespaces) and end (\removeunwantedspaces) of a group but you should rethink first your interface for your commands (why no start/stop commands).
I thought about that, but I do not know I could use start/-commands in this context! regards Keith
participants (2)
Keith J. Schultz
Wolfgang Schuster