metapost behaving different

Drawing with a square pen gives better rectangles My metapost code is something like: pickup square pen draw rectangle with label within (macro call) label drawing within the rectangle is essentially done with % prevent wobbling of text boxes with uneven depth pic := textext("\setbox0=\hbox{"&labeltext&"}\dp0=0pt\box0"); % pic goes into rectangle Under mkii this worked but under mkiv the text is mangled. To restore proper text I had to surround this with pen commands: pentemp := savepen; pickup pencircle scaled 0pt; % apparently any size will do % prevent wobbling of text boxes with uneven depth pic := textext("\setbox0=\hbox{"&labeltext&"}\dp0=0pt\box0"); % pic goes into rectangle pickup pentemp; Why is mkii behaving differently and not affected by pen changes? Is this to be expected from metapost (and thus to be considered normal behaviour) or did a bug creep in? Using luatex 0.30.1 and 2008.08.05 18:47 MKIV. [By the way, sometxt doesn't work here and I have to stick with textext.] Hans van der Meer

Hi Hans, Hans van der Meer wrote:
Why is mkii behaving differently and not affected by pen changes? Is this to be expected from metapost (and thus to be considered normal behaviour) or did a bug creep in?
Can you please post a small complete example? Best wishes, Taco
participants (2)
Hans van der Meer
Taco Hoekwater