I would like a table of contents to be indented as: 1.1 First Section 1.1.1 First Subsection of First Section .... 1.1.2 hjfhkdsf For a first approximation I used \setuplist [section] [width=2em,distance=1em] \setuplist [subsection] [margin=3em,width=3em,distance=1em] \setuplist [subsubsection] [margin=7em,width=3em,distance=1em] This is not satisfactory, since the distance between the numbers and the title varies for different levels. If I use width=fit, can I access the computed width for the previous level to set up a list? Or is there already an option to achieve this? Thanks in advance Marko

Marko Schuetz
1.1 First Section 1.1.1 First Subsection of First Section .... 1.1.2 hjfhkdsf
How should 10.1.2 look like?
1.1 First Section 1.1.1 First Subsection of First Section .... 10.1.2 hjfhkdsf 10.1.2 hjfhkdsf 10.1.2 hjfhkdsf
Please be more specific about the alignments and widths. Patrick
participants (2)
Marko Schuetz
Patrick Gundlach