Definestartstop, Narrower, and Blockquotej

I get a decidedly odd (or, at least, unexpected by me) result from this, based on the example on the contextgarden page for definestartstop: \starttext \defineblank[ExtractDistance][3pt] \definestartstop[Extract][ style=slanted, before={\blank[ExtractDistance] \setupnarrower[left=2in,right=1in] \startnarrower[left,right] \noindent}, after={\stopnarrower \blank[ExtractDistance] \indenting[next]}] %Now the following commands are available: \startExtract and \stopExtract \starttext The extract from Knuth \startExtract \input knuth \stopExtract \stoptext But now, blockquote is altered: \startblockquote \input lorem \stopblockquote But not narrower itself: \startnarrower \input lorem \stopnarrower \stoptext
participants (1)
Michael Urban