On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 11:44:34 -0500
"Bruce D'Arcus"
Also, regarding the Fontsite CD scripts (thanks for this too!), you mention Christopher League's similar project for LaTeX, and that your's is not as ambitious. [...] I have the fonts and the metrics and so forth (from League); the main issue I always run into is the typescript files. I'd prefer to have the fonts useful both in LaTeX and ConTeXt...
Then the question is not to do the same for ConTeXt but to make the LaTeX font installation available in ConTeXt as well. The only thing that is specific to LaTeX are the .fd files. The only thing that is specific to ConTeXt are the typescripts. Thus, simply make typescripts from the .fd files. The only important .fd file of an LaTeX font installation is the t1XXX.fd, here XXX is the LaTeX font family. (example is the luximono fonts) if you look in that file (t1ul9.fd) you will find something like \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ul9}{m}{n}{<-> ul9r8t}{} this is for a ConTeXt typescript \definefontsynonym [LuxiMono][ul9r8t] [encoding=ec] the bold variant is \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ul9}{b}{n}{<-> ul9b8t}{} \definefontsynonym [LuxiMono-Bold][ul9b8t] [encoding=ec] and so on... If you have translated all .fd entries for the typescript then it loks like \starttypescript [mono] [LuxiMono] [ec] \definefontsynonym [LuxiMono] [ul9r8t] [encoding=ec] \definefontsynonym [LuxiMono-SmallCaps] [ul9r8t] [encoding=ec] \definefontsynonym [LuxiMono-Slanted] [ul9ro8t][encoding=ec] \definefontsynonym [LuxiMono-Italic] [ul9ro8t][encoding=ec] \definefontsynonym [LuxiMono-Bold] [ul9b8t] [encoding=ec] \definefontsynonym [LuxiMono-BoldSmallCaps][ul9b8t] [encoding=ec] \definefontsynonym [LuxiMono-BoldSlanted] [ul9bo8t][encoding=ec] \definefontsynonym [LuxiMono-BoldItalic] [ul9bo8t][encoding=ec] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [mono] [LuxiMono] [name] \definefontsynonym [Mono] [LuxiMono] \definefontsynonym [MonoCaps] [LuxiMono-SmallCaps] \definefontsynonym [MonoSlanted] [LuxiMono-Slanted] \definefontsynonym [MonoItalic] [LuxiMono-Italic] \definefontsynonym [MonoBold] [LuxiMono-Bold] \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldCaps] [LuxiMono-BoldSmallCaps] \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldSlanted][LuxiMono-BoldSlanted] \stoptypescript so, if you have access to fonts in LaTeX then take its t1XXX.fd file, translate all entries to a ConTeXt typescript... voila! There is no need that anybody provides an extra full set of TeX font files (vf,tfm) esp. for ConTeXt. Jens