On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 14:40, Yue Wang wrote:
when will the bug be fixed? I waited for a week, and I still cannot update context today:(
Can you please try if it works now? (Though the situation is soon going to change anyway.) Hans was not able to upload a new beta version due to internet connection problems (beta version is used for distributing ConTeXt). I tried to fix it several times (temporary on the garden), but the change has always managed to be reverted again for some yet unknown reason (maybe every time when Hans updated experimental ConTeXt the whole repository was re-synced ...) I don't quite understand. One way to temporary fix this would be to fetch new version of mtxrun from http://minimals.contextgarden.net/current/context/experimental/scripts/conte..., replace the version in bin and try to resync. I synced the correct version of mtxrun back to its place now (for windows), though I'm not sure what circumstances might happen to revert the change again. (You can also always download the zip from http://www.pragma-ade.com/context/beta/cont-tmf.zip and just overwrite the current contents, or manually rsync if installation is "broken", though in normal circumstances this should not happen.) Also, I have temporary frozen all the auto-updating scripts on the server due to some changes in binary building (I would like to make sure that changes work instead of leaving completely broken distribution for two days). I hope to be back home in some 24 hours and then I'll change a few remaining issues and do some tests until tuesday. I mention it mostly to let you know that even if Hans uploads a new beta tomorrow, it probably won't be accessible from the garden minimals until Tuesday. Mojca
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 8:54 AM, Yue Wang
wrote: receiving incremental file list
sent 91 bytes received 205 bytes 53.82 bytes/sec total size is 4983273 speedup is 16835.38 MTXrun | fileio: variable SELFAUTOLOC set to C:/context/bin MTXrun | fileio: variable SELFAUTODIR set to C:/context MTXrun | fileio: variable SELFAUTOPARENT set to C: MTXrun | fileio: variable TEXMFCNF set to {$SELFAUTODIR,$SELFAUTOPARENT}{,{/shar e,}/texmf{-local,.local,}/web2c} MTXrun | fileio: no cnf files found (TEXMFCNF may not be set/known) MTXrun | using script: ./bin/mtx-update.lua
'uname' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. C:\context\bin\mtxrun.lua:1611: attempt to call field 'env' (a table value)
When you want to use context, you need to initialize the tree with:
C:\context\tex\setuptex.bat C:\context\tex
You can associate this command with a shortcut to the cmd prompt.