23 Dec
23 Dec
12:48 p.m.
Hi! I've asked on auctex ml about the prospects of getting preview-context, similar to preview-latex and here is the reply: "There are no ConTeXt users among the active developers (actually, there is not even much activity in the LaTeX area, but the status quo is rather more advanced). As long as that does not change, I don't see much of a point to talk vapour." (see http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.auctex.general/2387) Since I plan to move to ConTeXt using AUCTeX, I'm interested to hear if there is some interest here (amongst emacs users) to have preview-context withing AUCTeX package? otoh, I'm interested if there is newer version of etexshow (Browser for ConTeXt commands) ? Sincerely, Gour