Quoting "Adam Lindsay" :
-- was atl@comp.lancs.ac.uk on Aug 31, 2005 at 11:29:56PM --
"log" is typeset in euler, still, with the default settings.
You're perfectly right. However, I use to typeset maths functions in the text font, this is why I'm trying to replace euler a way or another. Maths functions are typeset in the concrete maths book for instance (see p 107 or p 111 if you have one) with rm being concrete.
You must be using a different setting still.
So you're right; This one shows why log isn't typeset in euler but with the serif one \def\mfunction#1% {\mathchoice {\hbox{\rm \tf #1}} {\hbox{\rm \tf #1}} {\hbox{\rm \tfx #1}} {\hbox{\rm \tfxx #1}}} This was my way of getting around the above mentioned issue. It also shows why maths functions and pure maths doesn't match anymore in scriptsize. And this is why I tried to tweak the bodyfontenvironment sizes... Now, if you get the picture and know the simple trick I missed at the very first begining... Anyway, many thanks for your answers, Olivier