You can probably test with uploading a font the the work directory.
Hans, thanks for the tip. I uploaded a noto-cjk font file, NotoSerifCJKsc-Regular.otf, to the root directory. Also, my typography file, test.tex, is in the root directory, and it reads ```context \definefont[myfont][file:NotoSerifCJKsc-Regular.otf*default at 12pt] \starttext {\myfont 我我} \stoptext ``` Then I did not get the correct PDF file, i.e. the two Chinese characters are not displayed on it. and the log shows: ```log ...... fonts > defining > forced type 'otf' of 'NotoSerifCJKsc-Regular' not found 17fonts > defining > unable to define 'NotoSerifCJKsc-Regular.otf' as 'myfont--0' ...... 51fonts > start missing characters: /home/admin/context/tex/texmf/fonts/data/gust/lm/lmroman10-regular.otf 52fonts > 2 U+06211 我 <CJK Ideograph> 53fonts > stop missing characters ...... ``` I processed on my Win10 PC, with the same font file, test.tex and the same directory structure, and got the correct PDF file and the log is as follows: ```log ...... fonts > defining > source file 'c:/windows/fonts/NotoSerifCJKsc-Regular.otf' is not found fonts > defining > using source file 'NotoSerifCJKsc-Regular.otf' due to cache mismatch ...... mkiv lua stats > loaded fonts: 3 files: latinmodern-math.otf, lmroman12-regular.otf, notoserifcjksc-regular.otf ...... ``` Any further hints? Best regards, 黄复雄(Huang Fusyong)