Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
Oops, something with Unicode support is broken in the new release. Typesetting Unicode Greek with my module, ConTeXt typesets the named glyphs in Greek letters (so I get something like greeklambda greekpi greekalpha etc. in my pdf). Using the name itself (\greeklambda) gives the desired glyph. So it looks like while processing the Unicode characters, the leading backslash is lost somewhere on the way to TeX's stomach.
I also get warnings in the log file: check : missing or ungrouped '=' after 'scale' in line 15 (@@vars:Gre ek:)
Same documents compile fine with previous version of ConteXt.
Hope this bug can be squished!!
for those who want to upgrade ... later today i will post a version that has the pfr stuff fixed (intereference with otr) Hans