Hello, I am Catalan, and we use frequently the geminated character ( l· ), that not is showed correctly in ConTeXt. Dot is too much separated of 'l' characters. How can I control character spacing by default? I have seen Fontfeaturefiles page in wiki for create ligatures and control kerning. But my attempts have failed. Do you think it is a good choice? I keep trying? Explanation extended: ================= Typing normally, catalans use "flow dot" character ( · ) between 'l' (l·l), that in spanish keyboard is located over key '3'. Other option is use special utf-8 characters (Ŀ) and (ŀ), but this character is not in any keyboard, and must changed before compile with ConTeXt (I use SED command). But none of these options is good. See you the result of following sample in context. % =================================== % Sentence: "I want to see films at school" \mainlanguage[ca] \starttext % With flow point \section{PEL·LÍCULES} Vull veure pel·lícules al col·legi % With utf-8 character \section{PEĿLÍCULES} Vull veure peŀlícules al coŀlegi \stoptext % =================================== The first result is very bad (too separaded). The second result is better, but closer together. More than double L ( ll) I would obtain LaTeX result using special characters that are more separated than ConTeXt, using "flow point" of keyboard. See you this sample: % =================================== \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[catalan]{babel} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{newunicodechar} \newunicodechar{Ŀ}{Ŀ} \newunicodechar{ŀ}{ŀ} \newunicodechar{Ŀ}{\L.} \newunicodechar{ŀ}{\l.} % Sentence: "I want to see films at school" \begin{document} % With flow dot \section{PEL·LÍCULES} Vull veure pel·lícules al col·legi % With utf-8 characters \section{PEĿLÍCULES} Vull veure peŀlícules al coŀlegi \end{document} % =================================== The second section is with utf-8 characters, and it looks great. Thanks, 19cat