Mike Cooper schrieb am 17.06.2020 um 21:50:
I really should have fiddled with this before thanking you, Wolfgang. I was focused on catching up on email etc. this morning.
Thanks for trying though!
Your "answer" is pretty much coded code to me. I don't understand it and don't have the first notion of how to implement it in my file. For one thing, I have no clue what "ttbf" means. Can't find it on the wiki or in the manuals. Google says it's the Texas Teen Book Festival but I'm guessing that ain't it. ???
My example shows which key is used for which space around each item. To insert vertical space you have to use the \blank command and set a value in the optional argument, e.g. \blank[1cm]. To insert now a space of 1cm before the first item you need the "before" key with \blank as argument: \setupitemgroup[mdshw][1][before={\blank[1cm]}] Wolfgang