Hi--- I have a number of included figures that work in 20200920 but not in the current 20210124 version. There's a project structure that sets everything up but after that they are input as a figure: \startplacefigure[title={NS Hierarchy}, reference={f:ns-hierarchy}] \input ns_hierarchy \stopplacefigure and generate the error: metafun > log > error: Not implemented: (unknown numeric)=(string) metafun > log > metapost > log > metapost > log > <to be read again> metapost > log > , metapost > log > <*> make_BoxRow [ name = "Parent", metafun > log > metafun > log > I'm afraid I don't know how to apply that operation to that combination of types. Continue, and I'll return the second argument (see above) as the result of theoperation. metafun > log > metapost > log > label = "Parent Root Namespace", ]; ;
From triaging, it looks like the "boxrow.mp" file isn't being input by the current version from within the MPinclusions block associated with the MPinstance; the error appears to be spurious as a result of make_BoxRow not being defined and doesn't occur in the old version where the file is input. "boxrow.mp" is not in the same directory as the document but is in the configured through the usepath/usesubpath interface from an environment file.
I can put together and share a runnable MWE set of files if this information is not complete enough to identify the problem. Here is the MWE that I used for the input figure file that demonstrates the problem. \defineMPinstance[ns_hier] [ format=metafun, extensions=yes, initializations=yes, method=double, ] \startMPinclusions{ns_hier} input boxrow \stopMPinclusions \startMPdefinitions{ns_hier} % nothing to see here.... \stopMPdefinitions \startMPcode{ns_hier} make_BoxRow [ name = "Parent", label = "Parent Root Namespace", ]; \stopMPcode Thanks for any feedback, ---K Kevin W. Rudd, Ph.D. CAPT, USN (Ret) Computer Architecture & Computer Engineering Advanced Computing Systems (ACS) Research Program Laboratory for Physical Sciences (LPS) 443-654-7878 kevin@lps.umd.edumailto:kevin@lps.umd.edu Visiting Research Professor United States Naval Academy rudd@usna.edumailto:rudd@usna.edu