In this newsletter: * 2018 journal progress * 2017 journal articles * ConTeXt Meeting 2019 updates * Board elections * Becoming a CG member * Membership promo action = 2018 journal progress = Our next ConTeXt Group journal issue is finished! It will go off to the printer today, with expected delivery to our members at or around the next meeting in September. The Table of Contents is already online at: https://articles.contextgarden.net/journal/2018.html The PDFs are not yet publicly available but current CG Members can send me an email for an advance copy of any of the article PDFs. If you are not a member, you will have to wait until summer 2020. = 2017 journal articles = Also on the articles site: we enabled the pdf downloads for the articles in the 2017 journal: https://articles.contextgarden.net/journal/2017.html = ConTeXt Meeting 2019 updates = Hans plans to do a number of announcements about the future of ConTeXt, LuaTeX and MetaPost (LMTX) which should be exciting you as well! If you have not registered yet, please consider joining us at ’t Sjetootje, Bassenge-Boirs, Belgium on September 16–21, 2019. Some other ‘surprise' talks have been added to the abstracts page, and submissions are still welcome as there is still some room in the program. (not that free time cannot be filled with Hans talking, but we have to consider the health condition of his throat.) The ConTeXt meeting is an excellent way to get help with any problems you may have in ConTeXt, to learn about future directions of ConTeXt and LuaTeX, or just to talk and have a drink with other ConTeXt users. You do not have to be a ConTeXt Group member to attend the meeting, but members do get a meeting fees discount worth more than the CG membership fees for a year. In fact, if you attend for the very first time, there is an extra discount for that as well. For registration and other information, see the website at https://meeting.contextgarden.net/2019 The 13th ConTeXt Meeting is sponsored by Dante e.V (www.dante.de) and NTG (www.ntg.nl), as well as by Pragma ADE (Hans & Ton) and Bittext (Taco). We are very grateful to all our sponsors! = Board elections = The ConTeXt meeting is also the location of the annual CG membership meeting. This year, no less than four board members are forced to resign according to the bylaws. We are looking for CG members to help fill those spots in the board. If you are interested in joining the CG board, please send a message to any of the current board members and we will get in touch with you. We can really use the help! Our previous newsletter already provided one tentative new board member, but ideally we would like at least one more candidate. = Becoming a CG member = Our official stated purpose: * to promote the ConTeXt typographic system; * provide its users with infrastructure and information; * support its development; * provide a platform for discussion of quality automated typography; * serve as a meeting place for people who want the best possible typography for the languages and writings of the world; * organise congresses and trainings for users and ConTeXt developers to meet; * provide financial support to those involved in documentation and ConTeXt development, including through their participation in conferences; * produce and sell printed materials on ConTeXt; * sell advertising items for ConTeXt. The more members we have, the more we can do. If you are not a member already, please consider registering at https://group.contextgarden.net/register.shtml Membership fees are €40 per year for normal members, €20 for students, and €200 for institutions and corporations. = Membership promo action = Our 50th active member is David Neubauer, and he will get his fees for 2018-2019 waived. Congratulations to David (and CG itself)! = That’s all for now = Keep happy ConTeXting! Best wishes, Taco Taco Hoekwater Elvenkind BV