Hi, I hope this report is not a duplicate of another one. I updated lmtx today (from http://lmtx.pragma-ade.nl/install-lmtx/context-linux-64.zip, a fresh install in the folder), and found some strange things with math: The file %%% EXAMPLE \starttext \startformula \startalign \NC \int e^{2x}\sin 3x\,dx\NC=\int\Im e^{(2+3i)x}\,dx\NR \NC\NC =\Im\int e^{(2+3i)x}\,dx\NR \NC\NC = \Im\Bigl(\frac{1}{2+3i}e^{(2+3i)}\Bigr)\NR \stopalign \stopformula
From this we see that $\lim_{n\to+\infty}f(n)=0$. \stoptext %%%
gives the attached ex1.pdf. As we can see the spacing inside \startalign \stopalign is wrong. Also, the "lim" in the example after the displayed formula has disappeared. Any clues? /Mikael (I tried in any case to remove cache and rebuild, but since it was a fresh install, I could not see why it could help here. Thought I mention it anyways.)